How long can you use a contact lens container for?!

Question: How long can you use a contact lens container for!?
The recommended time from professionals is three months!. Replace it sooner if it gets dirty in that time!. Never use tap water on a contact lens case (or contact lens for that matter)!. There are a lot of pathogens in it that our eyes just can't handle!. Rinse your case out with solution every morning and then let the case air dry during the day!. Put fresh solution in it every night!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

You could technically keep a contact case forever!. The saline solution you put your contacts in is sterile, and therefore it is not like the case will get all grody, unless you never clean it or change the solution!. In fact, all it takes is a simple rinse under the tap if you are truly that concerned about the case!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I replace the container every 30 days!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

depends on how sanitary you keep it and if it is intact!. when in doubt, buy a new one!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

maximun is 3 monthsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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