What are your thoughts on buying contacts?!

Question: What are your thoughts on buying contacts!?
I've had glasses for 13 years and I hate them! I could never afford contacts, but now I can!. So, if anyone knows about them, please answer!. Any info on them!. ThanksWww@Answer-Health@Com

I hate glasses too!. If you can afford contacts, get them!. You will love them!. It takes some effort learning how to insert and remove them and it can be frustrating sometimes!. Keep your nails short until you get accustomed to it, otherwise you'll tear your lenses and possibly scratch your eye!.
Best of luck!
P!.S!. Once you get used to your contacts, you won't even feel them most of the time, unless they dry out!. Then you can just add a drop or two of wetting solution to your eye!. They are so comfortable that you can forget to remove them at night!. (You're not supposed to sleep in them)Www@Answer-Health@Com

haha i just switched to contacts recently as well =)
i thought it would be kind of scary at first, and i was soo afriad that i wouldnt be able to take them out, but honestly, it's easy!!
just go to a good eye doctor to get them fitted and make sure you dont have any problems that could make wearing contacts be more difficult than necessary,
for me, he figured out after a week of wearing them that i have a large protein build up in my eye!. I thought that meant trouble, but all he did was give me eye drops to put in before I put my contacts in, and a new solution to hydrate and it's been fine ever since!
IF you can afford and are interested, I would say go for it!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hello, i have been wearing contact since i was in school, i do think i look better without glasses, i'm using monthly contact, cost

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