Are contacts scary to wear?!

Question: Are contacts scary to wear!?
I'm thinking about getting contacts but I'm so scared that I might damage my eye by poking it or get it infected!. If you currently wear contacts how hard is it to put it in your eye!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, at first!. It's uncomfortable to touch your eye!. Like everything, it takes practice to get it right!. Once you get the hang of it, you'll be able to just pop them in with no trouble!. Contacts should also be kept in their contact case unless you are wearing them!. Use a contact disinfectant solution to clean them and to store them!. Your eye doctor may want you to rub the solution on your contacts first!. Never clean out your contact case with water and never wash off your contact with water, use only the solution!. Only use eye drops that are specifically for contact wearers and do not use eye drops that say that they "get the red out!." Don't wear your contacts if your eye become red or irritated!. Take a break from them and use your backup glasses!. Wash your hands every time you have to touch them!. Some contacts can be worn overnight and some need to be taken out each night before you go to bed!. My contacts last me two weeks before I must replace them, but I have to take them out every night!. Contact can be scary, but when you use them people notice your eyes more and it's easier to be in sports and P!.E!. Try Acuvue Oasys with Hydraclear Plus!. I don't even feel them when I wear them!. Also, if your perscription is different in each eye, you will have two separate contacts for each eye that cannot be switched from eye to eye!. Hope this helped! Just ask your eye doctor for more info!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Basically, don't be scared!. They are not scary to wear, the risk of infection or hurting your eyes is very low!. They can be hard to put in & take out at first - I'd say it was difficult for the first couple weeks, but after that it was easy!. Now, after several years wearing them, I can put them in & take them out easily every time, without a mirror, anywhere!. (I suggest making sure you take them out & put them in every day, though, or else it could be a long struggle to get used to doing it!.)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have been wearing contacts for like four years!. I Absolutely love them!.
Then again theres pros and cons that come with it!. The pros to having contacts is well its better then glasses in my opinion!. The cons is that it can take several tries to get those suckers in especially if your afraid to have anything touch your eye,also you got to pop them in and out every night!. You can though get the monthly ones which i have since i always have struggle with putting them in and taking them out!. Overall though I think that you should at least give it a shot!. Be patient though with getting them in!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

They are not scary to wear, although my husband used to think so!. He wears them now though! I like the rigid gas permeables better than softs because they irritate my eyes less!. They are also much cheaper!. They are harder to get used to, but they last much longer than 2 weeks!. They last 2-3 years!. You also do not have to touch them at all to take them out, just to put them in!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i've had my contacts for about 4 months!. when i first got them they were kind of hard to put in and take out!. i have no problem taking them out or putting them in now!. but it gets easier as you practice!. your eye shouldn't get infected as long as you wash your hands before you touch them!. good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I could never do it!. But my wife likes a chance to poke me in the eye!. If you can get them in they are no problem!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

for me it was easy and i don't even feel them at all but it may take a few minutes the first try!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

they are so much better than glasses!
u cant even feel them
all u have to do its keep them clean!.!.!.
so u dont get an infection
u cant sleep with them thoughWww@Answer-Health@Com

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