Question: POST-OP CATARACT SURGERY QUESTION!.!.!.!.!.!.Can this be right!?
Three days ago, I started seeing almost perfectly rectangular streaks from light, especially when it gets dark!. I called the doctor's office and was told it's normal to be seeing these and that it may last for a month or so!. I've been using the eye drops as directed, no straining, etc!.!.!.!.My TWO questions are: 1!. Why would these streaks NOT be there for a few days and THEN begin later!? I'd think my eye was getting better!. 2!. I'm using PREDNISOLONE drops and noticed my face getting fuller!. (I'm using them QID)!.!.!.Can THAT much be getting absorbed systemically to produce "moon-face" already (7 days in, post-op)!?
THANK YOU!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is quite hard to understand the streaks you are complaining of without examining your eyes!. The steroid drops applied to your eye will not cause any effect with such a small dose, and within such a short period of time!. However duration of months may cause cataracts and glaucoma!.

Dr Yeoh Phee Liang
Consultant Ophthalmologist

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