I'm afraid on contacts! Any advice?!

Question: I'm afraid on contacts! Any advice?
Okay, so a couple of years ago, my mum took me to the eye doctor to try contacts, only I sat up there for like 3 hours and ended up going home crying. I just couldn't do it. I have no problem touching my eye, it's just whenever I see there is something on the edge of my finger, I panic.

Now, my little sister's contact prescription changed, so she has a pair of unopened contacts that she doesn't need anymore. My mom decided they would be good for me to practice with. I'm soo scared but I reallyreally hate my glasses. First of all, even if by some miracle I DO get them in, I'm afraid I won't be able to get them out. Can you PLEASE help me?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

I'm pretty much the same way except my problem is I can't touch my eye. Learn to like your glasses. Contacts just aren't for you, and that's OK. If the thought of using contacts gives you anxiety, or you have such severe fear of putting them in (for whatever reason) than you break down in tears after hours of trying, then they aren't worth it. Glasses are by far the best option for you.

This may help you to get acclimated to a contact lens fitting. Now with clean hands try touching the white part of the eye with your finger. Now touch as close as you can to the colored part (this is more sensitive). Your goal is to aim for the pupil with the contact lens that the Ophthalmologist or Optometrist has ordered for you. Also, try using an over the counter lubricating eye drop several times a day as this will help you get use to handling your eyes before your appointment. Good luck.

Don't give up. It can be extremely discouraging and a little icky, but, for most people, contacts are absolutely worth the week or so of hassle of learning to use them. I put mine in the minute I wake up and take them out right before bed.

I really didn't have much trouble putting them in, it was taking them out that got me. But again, don't give up- it will come with time.

consultant to :http://www.cococontacts.com

Well ,I used to kinda have the same problem with eye drops.Just pretend you have nothing on your finger.They might feel uncomfortable at first,but after a day or two when you put them in it feels like nothing.Hope I helped!


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