Dry eyes, should I be worried?!

Question: Dry eyes, should I be worried?
My eyes have felt really dry for the last few days. I'm 16, don't wear contacts or glasses.

Part of me thinks it's just a minor problem, that eyedrops would solve it. But part of me worries that there is a serious reason for the problem. Do you think I should see the doctor?


If you don't wear contacts then there is no need to worry. Try for eyedrops and drink some more water. If your eyes start to get worse or irritated see a doctor or if it goes on longer than 10 days. It could be that you aer fighting off an infection and eyes do tend to dry in front of computer screens. If you are on for long periods of time make sure you drink water rather than tea or coffee adn try and cut down on your usage and give your eyes a day off.

No reason to overreact. Its probably allergies or a sinus infection that can be treated with over the counter medicine such as advil or tylenol. Id give it a few more days and if the problem persists id see a doctor.

Just put rye drops in :) x

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