Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)?!

Question: Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)?
Ive been sick the past couple of days with an insane amount of stuff comin out of my nose. Friday night I went out and slept in my contacts. When I woke up, my eyes were red and had guck around them. I went out again last night but removed my contacts when I got home but when I woke up I had the same situation. Do I have Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) or is it simply because I am sick??


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

most of the time when most extended wear contact lens patients complain about their eyes its NOT "pink eye". most of the time its...sleeping in contacts.

stop wearing contacts & see what happens. if it goes away quickly, it was from sleeping in contacts.


Unless your eyes are super itchy and have a slight burning feeling, then I doubt its actually pink eye. It may just be dryness from sleeping in the contacts. Also pink eye wont go away in the day time and then come back the next morning. So if there was a time when your eyes were normal than it most probably isn't pink eye.

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