My eyes move side to side really fast?!

Question: My eyes move side to side really fast?
Occaisionally, like every week or so, my eyes move side to side rapidly without me controlling it?
What is wrong with me? is this normal? I wear glasses and im 13 if thats helpful.
Its been happening for years now.


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

It's not a muscle spasm at all; it's neurological in nature (a nervous system issue). It's called nystagmus. You can google that for more info. It is not considered a normal finding, neurologically speaking. Sometimes, this is a side effect of some medications. It would be wise to mention the nystagmus to your doctor next time you see him. Let him/her know how often it occurs and whether it impacts your life.


when it is constant its called nystagmus. some people develope it and it doesn't nessarily mean anything bad. if it's only happening once a week then when it does you need to remove your glasses and give them a rest. if it becomes more common than talk to your doc your percription might need to be ajusted

This has happened to me to I think its just a muscle spasm in your eye. Its not a problem until it happens will be fine.

I saw this on a mtv show...but she was albino also and wanted to b a star

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