Is it possible to go blind in one eye?!

Question: Is it possible to go blind in one eye?
I recently discovered that I have an eye infection in my left eye and the doctor said that if I didn't treat it aggressively, I can lose vision. (Then I puked... :-/) She didn't say if it would be in one eye or both. My left eye is getting harder to see from.... :(


don't panic.

i had exactly this happen. the vision in my left eye slowly faded and all i could see was a light grey with no vision at all.

the docs were very dismissive and said oh its just an infection and there is nothing we can do.
3 weeks later the vision slowly returned it took about 4 months before it was back to normal.

so don't worry your other eye will be ok and you will probably get your vision back.
i hope. good luck.

yea i think you can but im no doctor

Yes, it is possible to go blind from one eye. Why don't you know this??

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