what is something that could be causing my eyes to hurt, feel really heavy, and !

Question: What is something that could be causing my eyes to hurt, feel really heavy, and really tired?
I am getting enough sleep. My eyeballs are very sore and I am having a hard time holding them open. they look red and puffy. I have had pink eye and I really don't THINK it's pink eye because they aren't scratchy and gooey. I am thinking maybe allergies but this has never happened to before and I can't think of anything new in my surroundings to be causing a reaction. they have been like this four about 4 days


There are many things that can cause red, sore, swollen eyes......
#1 overactive thyroid....
#2 blocked tear ducts....
#3 eye infections.....
#4 eye strain.....
#5 abrasions to the eye.....
wash the eyes with an over the counter eye wash....but if it persists.....see an eye Doctor

you can develop allergies at any age. If your area is experiencing spring like weather already then I'd go w/ allergies.

if you are still in the grip of winter, then I'd go w/ a cold or sinus infection.

Sounds like you got a cold, sinus infection, could be a allergy.

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