Do you think I have pink eye?!

Question: Do you think I have pink eye?
So before I went to work about 5 hours ago, the bottom of my eye was hurting every time i touched it, and when I looked down.
When i got off work, I looked in the mirror and noticed it was all pink and swollen at the bottom. Still hurting when I touch it and look down.
Nothings in it I've checked that, it just looks swollen on the inside too.
I just figured it's pink eye, but I've never had it and I've never known anyone that has.
So do you have any idea how long it lasts, or if I should go to the doctor, or if it even is pink eye?


Seems to me its pink eye. You should go to the doctor and get eye drops.

Oh yeah, you've got it. cos i have pink eye right now and i so want to scratch my eye so badly. just go to the doctor and depending on which kind you have whether viral or bacterial are going to perscribe you some eye drops. wash your hands frequently and don't touch your eyes at all. I said both of them because if its in one eye it will quickly hop to the other. You will be fine and probably be out for a day or two.

I have pink eye right now

yes it's pink eye, no you don't need to go to the doctor ,it goes away in about a couple days or so depending on how bad you got it

It's probably pink eye and it is contagious. Go to the doctor.

It is. You should see a doctor because it is highly contagious.

it probably is go to the doctor

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