Blind in one eye since I can remember?!

Question: Blind in one eye since I can remember?
I am partially blind in my right eye... When I close my left eye, I can only see blurred shapes and colours, no details, and I certainly can't read with it. Using both of my eyes I can see perfectly, but I'm just concerned that it may indicate something?

Thank you


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

If you can't see with the one eye, you aren't seeing perfectly with both. Your good eye is compensating for the other, your brain essentially ignores the signal from the bad eye when they are both in use. It may be that you simply need a prescriptive lens for the one eye. Many people have this. They wear glasses which have a plain lens on one side and a prescription lens in the other. Or if they are old enough to care for it, one contact lens for the bad eye. If you've never been seen for this before, get to an eye doctor... soon. There may be no reason for you not to have good vision. Only they can make the decision that you are actually blind in that eye, which means that no amount of correction will give you reasonable sight. Blurred shapes and colors is what I see without my glasses... with them though, I have 20/20 vision. Get to the eye doctor.

You need to see eye specialist to get a proper diagnosis for your partially blind right eye. I find it hard to believe your parents never had your eyes examined by an eye specialist. You are not seeing perfectly if one eye is almost blind and if you've had this condition since you were a small child, you've obviously never had perfect vision. There is a slight possibility that the vision in your bad eye could be improved, but it needs to be diagnosed first. Yahoo answerers can only give best guesstimates, only and eye specialist can give you a definitive diagnosis and treatment if appropriate.

Good Luck and I hope the doctors can fix the almost blind eye.

You should make an appointment at the optician and get it seen to before it gets worse.

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