Sometimes the tv goes blurry could that mean i need glasses ?!

Question: Sometimes the tv goes blurry could that mean i need glasses ?

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If its not all the time then whether or not you need glasses isn't clear. It could just be that your eyes get strained occasionally. However the best thing to do is to get your eyes checked out as any sort of vision problems need to be looked at. Make an appointment with the optician, dont' forget to mention this and keep a note of frequency /times this happens and does it happen when you are doing anything else but watching the TV. Also check out what you are like watching TV in another house if possible, possibly one with a high frequency. Not everyone is equally sensitive to vision things on TV and it could be that the frequency of the TV suits you less than everyone else so that sometimes you notice slow response in action.

Its up to you if you want to wear glasses. However take note approaching an optometrist is like approaching a door-to-door salesman. They want to make money and know the trick of seeing clearly with lenses makes it a very sellable product.

You know that glasses correct vision. But I think you're more interested to know whether you're destined to wear glasses etc. The good news is you're healthy. Your cornea, lens and ciliary muscles are fine. If in all situations you find your distance vision is inadequate then it would suggest you have unwittingly elongated your eyeball.

Lots of people who start getting shortsighted remain shortsighted for life. You can tell this by seeing so many people walking in the street wearing glasses. Personally I was lucky to be told vision can be improved and I haven't worn my old glasses for more than a year. My prescription is half what it used to be.

Anyway in your case you have to look at the situation that got you to be shortsighted. If that situation continues then poor eyesight will be unavoidable.
It's not clear what you want. If you want to be able to see clearly then leave an addition to your question stating that. If you don't want to make any changes to your life then please stop wasting other peoples time and get the glasses.

yes; go see an optician.
it could be dangerous to watch the set if you have damaged eyes.

maybe, but another possibility is that your tv's made in china!!!

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