It seems like when i first lay down in bed and watch tv or just?!

Question: lay there, it always feels like I have to go pee...I already gone...and dont have to go it just feels like it...what could this be?

Answers: lay there, it always feels like I have to go pee...I already gone...and dont have to go it just feels like it...what could this be?

Urinary tract infection or a kidney infection....I would say the UTI at this point cuz if it was in your kidneys you would also be complaining about back pain...You can either go to the doc and get meds to take or you can drink lots of 100% cranberry juice and water to clear yourself out.

I think it's may just be mental. I do that too, as soon as I lay down to go to bed I think oh man, I have to pee. Then it's all I can think about. I think it's because I know I don't want to have to get up to go.

its a wind(medical term) not the wind that blows.

you have a bladder infection, consult your physician. =)

Or maybe you just have weak muscles, start doing kegels to gain control. Better now than wearing depends in your 40's

Oh hey there agian!! I just answered one of your other questions. It is a Urinary Tract Infection. Make a appt with you doctor ASAP. Also for the time being buy some URISTAT to releive the pain. It doesnt cure,.. it just takes the pain away and will turn your urine bright orange.

i think that if it ever leaks then you could star wearind pads. you may have a blatter infection and you might need to tell someone like a doctor or a parent.

I have actually had this problem too. depending on eating and drinking habits, your body may be trying to stabilize its salt and water levels, say if you ate too little or perhaps you drank too much. Another reason could be you could be bloated and your body is just getting rid or water. try and get a hold of some cranberry juice. It will clean out the system and help stop the flow a while.

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