Does poking you cervix to hard make it bleed? and is that going to hurt anything!

Question: my boyfriend had poked what i thought was my cerxix to hard with his finger and it hurt. he didnt know what it was and accenedtly poked really hard and the next morning it started to bleed a little. it was harly anything but is that bad? can that hurt anything?

Answers: my boyfriend had poked what i thought was my cerxix to hard with his finger and it hurt. he didnt know what it was and accenedtly poked really hard and the next morning it started to bleed a little. it was harly anything but is that bad? can that hurt anything?

Unless you're bleeding severely, it's probably okay, but it could get infected. If I were you, I would avoid putting anything in there for about a week or so. If you're having sex, I would try to avoid intercourse, but if you can't wait, have your boyfriend wear a condom (which he probably should be anyway) to reduce the amount of bacteria that comes in contact with your cervix.

Don't use any douches or anything. It should heal on it's own. Just keep foreign objects from going in there, if at all possible. That includes fingers.

If you start noticing any signs of infection - fever, severe pain, sudden heavy bleeding - call your doctor right away.


Well I highly doubt it since the male penis is a lot longer than an average size finger... maybe he poked the walls of your vagina and maybe he has long nails...ewe.... unless 'he' isn't that 'long'... or maybe you started your period... if you are really concerned, see your GYN.

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