My body...?!

Question: I am 16, and I weigh 112 lbs. But no matter what, I always think I am fat and I dont no why. I always look at myself in the mirror and just look at my legs and stuff cause I think they are fat. I almost becaome anerexic at one point, but i stopped myself before it got bad. what should I do? Is this common for girls like me?

Answers: I am 16, and I weigh 112 lbs. But no matter what, I always think I am fat and I dont no why. I always look at myself in the mirror and just look at my legs and stuff cause I think they are fat. I almost becaome anerexic at one point, but i stopped myself before it got bad. what should I do? Is this common for girls like me?

Hey Dough23,At 112 lbs. there is no way that you are fat.that is unless your 2 ft. tall.It would help to change the way that you see yourself.It sounds like you are too self conscious about your appearance, which probably stems from the collective American idea that you have to be "pole skinny" in order to be attractive.Beside that,it's probably just "baby fat" which will go away in time;as long as your not a couch potato.Also consider this,I've seen photos of 100's of small babies that were nothing but skin and bones and not much food to look forward to..if any. So even if you are a little "pudgy",a little meat on your bones wont hurt! If you do think that you are ill(anorexic) then I do suggest talking to your mother first before talking to anyone else.

Is it common to be unhappy with parts of your body? Yes. Is it common to stare in the mirror and pick yourself apart everday? No. Talk to a counselor or psychiatrist.

It actually sounds like anorexic thoughts which makes you see your thin body distorted as much larger than it actually is. I suggest you talk to a parent and get help---through counseling or whatever makes you comfortable. These thoughts might not go away on their own, and you might be at danger for full blown anorexic behaviors.

all teen girls think their fat when they really arnt, i think its just a stage and u dont sound fat at all so yeahh... always look for the good things

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