What is causing pain during intercourse?!

Question: I do not have a sharp pain during intercourse, but I feel dry, irritated and sore inside. I got a RX for diflocan so it can't be a yeast infection. I have not really had any itching just burning after intercouse and after I pee. Could this be vaganosis? Or something else? I am STD Free been tested a month ago.

Answers: I do not have a sharp pain during intercourse, but I feel dry, irritated and sore inside. I got a RX for diflocan so it can't be a yeast infection. I have not really had any itching just burning after intercouse and after I pee. Could this be vaganosis? Or something else? I am STD Free been tested a month ago.

My educated intuition is that your vaginal lining is challenged by perpetual yeast (I looked at your earlier question) and by the way the flora changes with antibiotic use, even if it isn't yeast. In addition, it could certainly be bacterial vaginosis, which tends to come in once the flora are disrupted but which needs a prescription cream to be resolved. It could also be that you have a urinary tract infection, perhaps mild, and that your urethra is irritated during sex (or your urethra is getting irritated from the dryness during sex and/or the infection).

I would see the doctor to get checked for a UTI and for vaginosis (and rechecked for yeast--with antibiotics, it can come right back even after a course of diflucan. You may also need longer courses of diflucan; the one-pill or three-pill strategy doesn't work with pervasive yeast). In addition, if you have something, your partner should get checked in case you two are passing something back and forth.

And once you deal with this, I guess I would say: give your vagina a rest. I'd ease off sex for a bit (and use a mild lube, even egg white, when you go back to it), take acidophilus to try to restore the balance of flora, and try to rest and stay well so you won't need antibiotics for other stuff.

Think of the vagina as the proverbial canary in the mine...
take care of your health in general.

I had this same problem recently and I don't know why I think it was just because he was a new partner...

Could you be "dry"? if you are not well lubricated then you need to buy some. (ie ky warming gel)

maybe b/c ure dry...sex is def. not sposed 2b dry

sounds like you may need to use a little lube... if that doesn't help you should probably make an appointment with your doctor because vaganosis could cause the symptoms you are having... could also be an STD but since you were tested a month ago don't worry too much...

The steroids could have caused it. If you are on birth control, some birth controls cause vaginal dryness. Sometimes changing hormone levels can leave you dry.
I always recommend that if something keeps worrying you or is interfering with your sex life, you should get it checked out.
Test to see if dryness if the problem! Get a bottle of a good lubricant and use it generously on both of you the next time you are intimate and see if that solves the problem. If it does, you can report to your gyn. that you are having problems with dryness and want to look into treatments - or you can just have fun playing with lubricants.

It's a strong possiblity that you're not producing enough lubrication during sex. Bacterial vaginosis is where you have a fukny smelling discharge, burning, and pain. If you're still apprehensive, follow up with your doctor, and have your partner tested as well. Good luck and be safe.

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