Question: How do I know if I have TSS?
I went on a feild trip so I used a tampon. It was only my 2nd tampon that I've ever used. After about 3 or 4 hours I started to feel a little dizzy. I immediately took out the tampon and just used a pad. The dizziness went away shortly after that. I got home and read the warnings and it said that dizziness is a sign of TSS!
Oh yeah- I know for a fact that the tampon wasn't in completely correctly because I could still kinda feel it. We had just watched a movie so we had been sitting for about an hour. After about 20 mins later is when the dizziness happened.
What are the chances that I have TSS???
Help I'm so worried!!!!

Answers: How do I know if I have TSS?
I went on a feild trip so I used a tampon. It was only my 2nd tampon that I've ever used. After about 3 or 4 hours I started to feel a little dizzy. I immediately took out the tampon and just used a pad. The dizziness went away shortly after that. I got home and read the warnings and it said that dizziness is a sign of TSS!
Oh yeah- I know for a fact that the tampon wasn't in completely correctly because I could still kinda feel it. We had just watched a movie so we had been sitting for about an hour. After about 20 mins later is when the dizziness happened.
What are the chances that I have TSS???
Help I'm so worried!!!!

TSS = Toxic Shock Syndrome

I've been using tampons for about 15 years and I've never had that problem. I even left in over night accidently. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Your body wasn't toxicly shocked in 4 hours. Maybe you got all freaked out about feeling it there and that's why you felt dizzy.

Good luck!

TSS is VERY rare and the symptoms come on SUDDENLY. You will have severe flu-like symptoms, symptoms of shock and a fever at or over 102. TSS also does not go away when you remove the tampon.

you probably dont have it
i get dizzy, and nautious easily during my period
the harsher symptoms of TSS would probably have occured by now

I have once forgotten i had a tampon in and wore it for like 7 hours. I know HORRIBLE, how did I forget? But I was fine, so I'm guessing you are too.

It's probably not. I've had symptoms before, like 3 or 4 of them, after using tampons the wrong way; I think I left it in too long. I was really worried, and it turned out to be nothing. If you only experienced one symptom, and it's over now, you're fine.

No, it would have had to have stayed in much longer than that for you to get TSS. The dizziness was caused by something else.

ZERO chance. Dizziness is a sign of a whole lot of things. So is a high fever, but that is the primary sign of TSS, not dizziness.

If you had toxic shock, you'd be too weak and feverish to sit at your computer and this this. You'd be in the hospital.

trust me if u had tss, you would know! dizziness is only one part, high fevers or fainting is wen u kno u have tss
u probly just got dizzy from the big screen and ur tampon wasnt in correctly right? that is probly why u got dizzy
be careful next time!

You would know that you had TSS because you'd likely be in hospital by now.

The initial symptoms of TSS are vomiting, high temperature, diarrhea, headache, sore throat, high blood pressure, and muscles aches, then you would start to get a rash a little like sunburn, progressing to broken blood vessels over the skin and in the eyes.

I've known several women who have had TSS, one of which went into a coma within 24 hours, her kidneys and liver failed, blood was coming out of every part of her body including backwards up the IV's and she died twice, you wouldn't be on Yahoo! Answers if you had contracted TSS.

It's a very serious illness that can do all sorts of horrible things to your body, initially it looks like flu or meningitis but it quickly progresses to many different symptoms that can eventually be fatal or if sufferers survive they have serious life-long health problems.

Not to scare you, but just to stress here that you defiantly do not have TSS. Chances are you just felt a little ill, maybe too much popcorn while watching the film or something, or a little tired, you may have a cold coming on throwing off your balance...there are any number of reasons for dizziness.

More information about TSS: - TSS Information Service - TSS on Wikipedia - Tampon Alert.

TSS is rare but no where near as rare as people make out - because of the way in which they record TSS cases only a small number of TSS cases are counted within official statistics, for example if you don't have at least three major organs shut down it is not counted within TSS statistics.

TSS is a major risk with tampons because they are so unhygienic, they prevent the vagina's normal cleaning, give bacteria a place to multiply within your body, cause vaginal splitting, and leave fibers within the body.

Commercial tampons carry additional risk because the synthetics they are made from result in greater fibre loss, greater absorbancy increasing vaginal splitting and give a better environment for bacteria. Commercial tampons are also chemically treated, those chemicals interfere with normal vaginal pH so in turn interferes with bacterial balance, tampons have in the past been linked to cancer, infertility, endometriosis, birth defects, etc. because of chemicals within tampons (dioxin) although these chemicals were finally banned a few years ago we still don't know what chemicals are being used now or what affect they may have on health.

Risks with tampons are even greater in children and teens because their bodies don't have as strong an immune system as adults, also the vaginal walls are more delicate so more prone to splitting allowing for further bacterial growth and a direct route into the blood stream for toxins resulting from TSS.

Unlike what many people say, TSS is not caused by leaving your tampons in for too long, this is simply victim blaming by implying only dirty girls/women contract this illness which is simply not true it's a risk for everyone. TSS risk is increased by any tampon use, the reason it is advised they are not left in longer than a few hours is because the longer the tampon is in your vagina the longer bacteria have to multiply inside your vagina.

Ways you can decrease TSS risk with tampons;

- Use organic, sponge or cloth tampons.
- Always change often, every 6-8 hours at most.
- Always use the lowest absorbency possible.
- Change absorbency to match your flow.
- Never use a tampon while you're sleeping.
- Never use tampons without your period.
- Change to pads or pantiliners with light flow.
- Learn TSS symptoms to know what to look for.

More information about tampon risks: - Tampon health web site. - Tampons on Wikipedia. - Blood stains. - Vagina Verite tampon safety. - WEN's Seeing Red briefing. - The regulation of tampons. - Ruth's endometriosis page.

Tampons, particularly commercial tampons, are the most harmful out of over twenty different options, it is very important you understand the risks involved with tampon use. It's also important you know about other safer options available to you such as organic tampons that do not contain chemicals or synthetics that increase tampon risks, pads or menstrual cups.

If you are concerned about TSS then perhaps you should consider sticking with pads or switching to a menstrual cup (a cup worn internally like a tampon which collections menses rather than absorbs, letting your vagina work as normal) which have never been linked to TSS or any other health problems.

Also note that TSS is only one risk and a rare one at that, more common risks associated with tampons are vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis, and they have been shown to increase menstrual cramping.

More information about alternatives to tampons: - The menstrual product heirarchy. - Article on menstrual alternatives. - Menstrual cups information. - Divacup silicone bell-shaped menstrual cup. - Keeper rubber bell-shaped menstrual cup. - Instead softcup menstrual cups. - Lunapads cloth pads and lunapanties. - Reddy's cloth pad belts. - Cottons organic pads and tampons. - Sponge tampons.

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