Question for the older girls (Females 16 and up ONLY!!!) unless you're a dud!

Question: ok, so I ordered a trial thing of tampax pearl tampons, and I tried it just now when I got out of the shower (yeah, I'm on =) and when I went to put it it, it wouldn't go all the way in.
it was hurting and it like, hit a roadblock and popped out.
so on top of period pain, its now sore because of my attempt to wear a tampon.
whats wrong here and how can i fix it?!?!?!

lol Im 13 and I have never worn a tampon so yeah.
i like meh pads. lol

Answers: ok, so I ordered a trial thing of tampax pearl tampons, and I tried it just now when I got out of the shower (yeah, I'm on =) and when I went to put it it, it wouldn't go all the way in.
it was hurting and it like, hit a roadblock and popped out.
so on top of period pain, its now sore because of my attempt to wear a tampon.
whats wrong here and how can i fix it?!?!?!

lol Im 13 and I have never worn a tampon so yeah.
i like meh pads. lol

It's not so much seeing it, as being able to feel the hole where you can insert it. Make sure you are aiming toward your back...not straight up. It might be too big for you, you may need to try "lites" or "slimfits" first. It can take some practice.

Oh, and if you like pads, then you can always just stick with them!

this is soooo common. it happened to me when i did it my first few times. not to be weird- but when i started i found it easiest to actually line the tampon up with my butthole and just go up a little bit (toward my vagina). it will help. trust me. and i know how dry it feels after a tampon that didn't work comes out. but try it. and make sure you relax and have your legs apart. try it! it might work for you

this is going to sound crude but...find your bumhole and move your fingers forward. the next hole is your vagina, it faces straight down to the ground. You need to push it up far enough so that it won't be uncomfortable xxx

No. Go to this website and it will explain where it is and all the best positions to try in order to insert the tampon. You may decide to wait until you are older. I started using tampons when I was 13, and it took a lot of practice to get it in right. I remember crying to my mother about it.... but that was 15 years ago.... I still remember how frustrating it was. Don't give up.

thats not uncommon for girls who are just starting to use tampons. it will be uncomfortable to insert anythign into your vagina the first time. but you'll get used to it. you also need to make sure you dont put the tampon in crooked, that can make thigns really uncomfortable. but sooner or later it will all be really easy. but hey, if you like pads, why use a tampon anyway?

Try propping a leg on the toilet to help make things easier. And if the same hole you pee through. Theres only two down there you could fit it in. It the wrapper for the tampon green/blue, because if it is, thats way to big for your first time. Try a regular (yellow) , or slim one. Also tampon pearls I think have an oval shape to them, so make sure the wider side goes in side ways.

And if you really are not embarrassed ask your mom. (mine told me with out me asking, wow was I embarrased)

Hi there. Well, I occasionally have the same problem. You have to find the right angle. Try it when sitting on the toilet, or standing up to see which is best for you. Make sure that you insert the applicator all the way until your hand (thumb and middle finger) touch your body before you push the plunger. If you are bleeding lightly it will also be harder to insert it. Try wearing a pad for a little while and when your bleeding heavier try to insert it again. That should make it easier! Good luck!! If it still won't work, don't rush it! Stick to the pads for a while!!! :)

go to this website and it tells you all about wearing tampons. GOOD LUCK!!!

IDK about the first one but please shave or at least trim it. Most guys are turned off by alot of hair down there. Thought I would at least give you that info.

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