My period.....?!

Question: My period is about 4 months was supoosed to come around January 4th but its already almost april 4th....I havnt been close to sex and am only 13 years old. I had my first period on December 4 so this is supossed to be my second time getting this normal?

Answers: My period is about 4 months was supoosed to come around January 4th but its already almost april 4th....I havnt been close to sex and am only 13 years old. I had my first period on December 4 so this is supossed to be my second time getting this normal?

Yes it's completely normal. When you first start your periods it can take a good few years for them to settle down into a regular cycle. You may not have another one for another couple of months, or you may come on again tomorrow. It's nothing to worry about - just wait and it'll come along. Enjoy all these days while it's not here!!!

no this is not normal mostly it will be maybe a month late the most but 4 months is way too much. Go to the doctors. Good Luck

You are young and still in the process of maturing. Most of the time, teenagers will have irregular periods until they reach a certain age. I wouldn't worry if I were you, its normal.

Many factors could be causing your period to be late. If you have lost weight or gained weight, you could skip a month or two. Also if you are under lots of stress, are an athlete in recent training, or are on certain medications.

Since it's been 4 months, let your mom know; you should probably go to the doctor to make sure you aren't anemic or anything like that.

Good luck.

You're young...and it's the second time you've had your period. Don't worry too much. Talk to your doctor if you're worried but it is actually pretty normal for this to happen. It happened to my friend once. Talk to your doctor next time you go but don't worry about it.

thats TOTALLY normal.
when you first get it, everything is a little off.

i was the same way.

yeah thats very normal. your body may not be used to it yet, so you may skip a couple periods for a few months.

nothing to worry about. i did it too. i'm now 15 and its all normal. i think it took about a year for me to have a regular cycle.

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