What can i take to stop me being so mood when im on my reds?!

Question: last night me and my boyfriend had a argument and yes i admit it was because of me, because im on it makes me really moody and i take it out on him, dont mean to, but he goes and says to me i dont no what your so moody for its only blood! i could of strangled him, so i told him he can have my next one for a week and see how he feels

Answers: last night me and my boyfriend had a argument and yes i admit it was because of me, because im on it makes me really moody and i take it out on him, dont mean to, but he goes and says to me i dont no what your so moody for its only blood! i could of strangled him, so i told him he can have my next one for a week and see how he feels

Evening Primrose is very good for 'women's problems' I would also try and get a leaflet from your chemist or Dr. that explains what changes can happen to you when you are having your periods, then insist your boyfriend reads it. I had to do this when I was going through the change, it really helped my husband realise what was going on. Much better that arguing and fighting, men can be proper 'numpties' where women are concerned, LOL

Take some drugs :P okay not them type of drugs but go to your doctor and see what you can do!

Try taking Starflower Oil capsules, or else Evening Primrose Oil, or better still, both. They can be very effective at stopping PMS and mood swings. Take it for about a week before your period is due, and until it's over.
Alternatively, you could go on the Pill, which often helps to reduce PMS symptoms.

dunno, but i would really like to have an answer to that as well! i get incredibly moody 2 wks!! before and during that time. i get angry at everyone for no reason and almost everything ticks me off.

Don't rely on medicine, otherwise you will always take them when you feel a bit down. If you feel yourself getting angry, take a minute, realize that you are getting angry and walk away and count to ten.

Theres vitamins and prescription meds that can help with this.

I think that you just need to make sure that your BF knows what's going on and just excepts the moodiness during this time of the month because I don't think there is really much that can be done about it. Just make sure you apologize after the fact. Tell him ways he can make it easier on you.

I usually just don't talk at all. That's a great way NOT to get in trouble because your hormones are nuts and your not in control.

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