Please don't laugh but this is about my period...?!

Question: The last time I had it was in Jan. I don't know if I should be getting it soon or what. I got my first period in Sept. so um yeah...But now I'm getting this white stuff in my, a lot of it. Help?! No silly answers please!

Answers: The last time I had it was in Jan. I don't know if I should be getting it soon or what. I got my first period in Sept. so um yeah...But now I'm getting this white stuff in my, a lot of it. Help?! No silly answers please!

Irregular or skipped periods is normal from time to time, if you are in your teens or pre-teens then it is to be expected as your body is still developing physically and sexually so this has a big affect on your hormones and so in turn your menstrual cycle.

Don't expect your periods to be regular until adulthood, even then not everyone has a regular menstrual cycle. Just keep note of your periods so you can try to determine a pattern and your cycle length, and if irregular then take black cohosh or evening primrose oil daily to help regulate your hormones - these can be bought in capsule form from health stores and supermarkets.

The white stuff is discharge, your vagina always makes this as this is how your vagina keeps clean, so why you only ever need to use plain water to wash with. Discharge is made to keep the natural pH balance within your vagina that helps keep a healthy balance of bacteria within the vagina. Discharge is also there to flush out excess bacteria, dirt and dead cells.

You will also notice sometimes in your menstrual cycle you will get more discharge, also you will get what is known as fertile quality cervical mucus around ovulation - this is what helps keep sperm alive within your vagina and help it reach the egg. Thus it is important to know what is normal for your cycle - anything out of the ordinary, such as smelly discharge, funny coloured discharge or extra discharge would suggest you have an infection.

Because you only started last september you cycle isn;t regular as yet so just wait.

The 'white stuff' is dichrge, which is there to help clean out your.... you know what. Every girl's couple first periods are irregular, so your body could just be getting into the process, and it could also be you diet or weight. If you are underwieght, it might not come, but if you are normal, than it is probably just that it is irregular. I wouldn't worry too much, but if you are, you should see a doctor. Good luck!

your periods may be irregular because you started not long ago. dont worry this is normal. they will regulate out in time. and the white stuff is discharge...most females get that. its nothing to worry about. usually mean your period is on its way. good luck.

the white stuff is a discharge. all women have a discharge at some point in their monthly cycle. also, because you haven't even had your period for a year, it hasn't regulated itself yet. this too is normal. it may come every month, it may not. it is just one of those things.

it the normal thing. it all part of your menstrual cycle. nothing to get worried about.

After your first period you are never regular - it may take a couple of years to get regular. When you get this white stuff in your pants it is simply the natural way your body cleanses itself. Just be sure to wash yourself well in the shower and when you notice this happening be sure to wear a panty liner as sometimes this is a signal that your period may start. Not always though! Panty liner is good for everyday of the month though as women do secrete stuff normally. Your period will resume when it is ready and nothing you can do will speed it up! If you are very athletic or very thin this could cause you to not have one or to have them irregularly. Until your period is normal there is really no way for you to know when it may sneak up on you so just carry your pad or tampon at all times and carry an extra pair of panties in case it goes through your panty liner.

white stuff= discharge

but check out this website and it has a period predictor:

the white stuff is to let you know u are getting your period soon and thats just a sign you get that when you first start your period when you start getting it more often then you dont get it anymore

First of all nobody should laugh...

Anyways, it's quite normal for your period to be irregular for the first few months, maybe even up to a year or two. But once it becomes regular, it should be about every month, and you'd be surprised how on tast it really is.

It would help to mark it down on your calender, when it starts and ends. And you can see how long your periods are from each other from when your period STARTS. Especially since your doctor might ask about it.

That white stuff is called discharge, and some people get a lot of it while others don't. It might go away or it might not. If it bothers you...umm you could see a doctor or something, I don't know much about it.

Hih! -Mei

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