
Question: Any embarassing period stories????

Answers: Any embarassing period stories????

Well once I had just started my period and I was on vacation When we were coming home on a plane I was sitting by my dad and a weird guy.. And all of the sudden I had my period and I couldnt get up and go to the bathroom because the seat was wet so all of the sudden the weird guy bumped me in the wrong place then he sayed out loud EWW DID YOU WET UR SELF and my dad was like let me see and he saw and Ugh it was imbarrising

um sorry...I'd never share them with strangers.

9th grade i was wearing these light grey cordoroy pants, and i started bleeding, so i didnt notice(it was only my 2nd period so far) and i bled all ovr the pants. This was early in the morning so I had to go thru a whole day of school!!! Luckily my bff gave me a sweatshirt to wrap it around!!

well u had it down the shore and i just wore a pad in the ocean because i was new to it and didin't wear tampons aha

please thats not summat 2 discus......only jokin...no offence

well this isnt my embaressing story
but some girl at my school had white shorts on. and she leeked through them, and like an hour after, i saw her walking down the hall and she had a dirty pad stuck to her butt. and no one would tell her.. it was so funny

I saw a very heavy woman in a floral, flowy skirt, on the bus once... she got up to exit the bus and she had very obviously leaked during her Aunt Flo's visit. I looked around and everyone that noticed quickly looked away (those that noticed, were facing the front of the bus where she was preparing to exit -- all heads went side to side or down immediately). Poor woman.

i started my period for the first time when i was 13. i was way embarrassed and didn't want to tell my mom so i just folded some toilet paper up and put it in my panties.

The second day of my first period my family and i were doing family pictures right after school so i decided to wear my LIGHT KHAKI PANTS to school

Big. Mistake.

needless to say i leaked allllll over them. i bet i even left a little stain in my seat at school. my family had to reschedule our pictures because i bled all over my pants.

it sucked big time.

what the heck?

i dont have one but no one noticed or saw so i was good
but i have one about my friend
we were at a water park and we getting out of the pool and she had on a yellow bathing suit and soon as she got out of the water it all came whooshing and it was all over the floor i felt bad for her but i pretended i had a bloody nose and not many people payed it any attention

i was new to it and it was during a fire drill when my friend told me i had blood on my behind ... after the fire drill .. i had to wait all that time to go to the nurse :S

It was my birthday and it was a special event at my school. (YAY!)

In the assembly, i started cramping up and i knew my period came on. I had on a brown dress luckily.

I went to the bathroom and got sum toilet paper. I knew i was ok now.

I felt really pretty, so i was struttin down the hall with my ipod when a girl behind me yelled...

"She got toilet paper hanging out her @$$!"

I acted like i aint hear her and ran past my teacher yellin "i gotta go 2 the bathroom!''

he said hurry up, so i ran to the nurse and asked her for a pad. She said a quater, and all i had was a five.

I said i'd be back (and i didnt come back)

i went to class and the teacher said...you were at the bathroom for a long time.

I was so embarrassed...

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