Tummy Cramps?!

Question: I've had stomach cramps for two whole days now, but I don't have my period....I have an irregular cycle, so I don't really know a specific date when I get it...They feel like cramps, but they also feel like hunger pains. (even if i've eaten) It's never happened before..Can you get cramps w/out your period?

Answers: I've had stomach cramps for two whole days now, but I don't have my period....I have an irregular cycle, so I don't really know a specific date when I get it...They feel like cramps, but they also feel like hunger pains. (even if i've eaten) It's never happened before..Can you get cramps w/out your period?

Sometimes, yes. It could be something that you ate, too...or maybe you're just coming down with something.

Try drinking a bunch of water...take some pain meds.

I sometimes get cramps one week, nothing the next, then the next I'll have my period. So wonky...lol

I usually only get cramps during my period. Then I get really cranky and start griping at everyone about any little thing...

Well not really but I know the routine.

Of course! when you play sports especially swimming and you didn't have a warm-up in your muscles you'll probably got cramps and it's painful. Everybody can have cramps...both male and female

You should talk to a doctor that you trust.

yer it's differently something you ate and you have a tummy ache but best be sure go see your doctor in case it's a tummy bug and he can treat you with some medicine,

I'm like that for a week before mine starts. If I have a week that I feel like that, plus achy, mine is about to start. I've always been irregular with mine too.

I find these question so informative, keep them coming ladies.

a couple years ago i used to get stomach cramps that felt like hunger pain at the same time every day for a while. what i found helped was eating a lot of fibre like bread and fish, as well as fresh mint leaf tea and drink a lot of water.

this is what my naturopath recommended and it seemed to work.

and i think its safe to say yes you can get cramps without your period, i would hope.

Yes you can get cramps without being on your period. Anybody is susecptible to stomach cramps from time to time. Sounds like maybe you ate something that didn't agree with you. Or, it's possible since your periods are so irregular, that it is coming on soon. Anyway, if it persists for several more days and you don't get your period, I think you should see a doctor. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.


Tums usually work.. where are the cramps though is it like around your abdomenal or is it like your uterous.. cause you may have a Urinary infection.. if its in your abdomenal it may be cause by inflimation.. its possible to get pain or cramps without your period but its usually if you held in your pee to long.. its around that area but not really.. you should have it checked out by a doctor.. they will put pressure on that area and see if its inflamed or swollen.. or if you have a cyst.. it might be an orruptured cyst if the pain hurts alot.. best thing to do is see a doctor.. just in case!

wish you the best,


Try not eatingheavy foods like mcdonald,kfc,andetc. Try eating healthy food like fruits, vegtable,and etc.

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