Need help! period questionn! somethings wrong...?!?!

Question: I got my period at age 14 1/2 and now I am 16. I still am not on a regular schedule and i've only had it 5 times!! is that bad? the last time i had it was in january! that was 3 months ago! i never know when to expect just happens randomly! is that normal after having it for 1 1/2 years?? i'm going to ask my doctor but do you know?


Answers: I got my period at age 14 1/2 and now I am 16. I still am not on a regular schedule and i've only had it 5 times!! is that bad? the last time i had it was in january! that was 3 months ago! i never know when to expect just happens randomly! is that normal after having it for 1 1/2 years?? i'm going to ask my doctor but do you know?


I had exactly the same problem and still do! I am nearly 18 and am still not getting my periods on a regular basis. I have been to my docter and she said theres not any cure to it. Its just a matter of time! Dont worry about it too much its nothing very serious ok! But i no how u feel u never no when to expect it so your prepared for it!
tc n hope ur periods come a bit more regularly

It's normal. For some women it can take a few years for their cycles to regulate themselves.

It's normal.


It's fine, your period won't be regular for a few years. Good luck.

I answered a question similar and my only advice is to go to the gyno and have tests run. I found out I had PCOS and it causes your body to give you irregular cycles. I'd have cycles up until I was 17 and then it became so irregular that it just stopped.

Life is odd.

Depends how skinny you are. Anorexics get periods skipped alot.

Do you keep a calendar. Stare at it and maybe your body will see the light that its supposed to be regular. Put X's where it starts and stops a triangle. Sorta self-hypnosis thing.

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