Oh my im so embarassed!!!!?!

Question: Oh my im so embarassed!!!!!?
I'm so embarrassed about today at school!!
I was in Geography today and i got up to ask my teacher something and a bunch of guys started laughing at me!! My friend Heather came up behind me and said Meg your period leaked and i was like what!?!? because it wasn't do for a couple of days!!!
Anyways my teacher Mr!. Corger (he's like 27) said Meagan what's wrong!?!?
and i said nothing and sat down quick!!
He came over and saw tears in my eyes and said Meagan seriously whats wrong!?!? and i said it's embarrassing and my friend heather whispered to me just tell him he'll understand and i said okay and i said um!.!.!.!.!.my period came on unexpectidally and it leaked all over the back of my capris!!!
and he said oh ok no problem and said do you want to go to your locker and change and i said sure so i did and came back and said to my friend heather do you have a tampon and she said no sorry i don't!!
And one guy in my geography who is so immature for a grade 9 said!!Meagan's on her period!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well you are going to have to ask your brother or his girlfriend so that you have something for tomorrow!. Every girl has gone through something embarrassing during a period at least one time in their life!. The only thing that I can say to you is that only time will make it better!. Guys are immature and very cruel!. I am very sorry that you had to go through this!. If you don't tell your brother, doesn't your school have them in your bathrooms, couldn't you get some out of the machines or from the nurse!. Best of luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've heard this before!.!.!. guess you reposted, I dont quite get what the question is, but I will say that you should always be prepared because at your age, your period can be really irregular and it's good to keep a pad or tampon in your purse just in case!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

listen to the teacher and ignore them!. a lot of us women have been through that at all ages!. the difference is when you get older the man might say something to you discreetly!.

Edit: tell your brother you need to go to the store!.!.!.or tell his girlfriend!. don't worry about your brother won't laugh at you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Been there!. Tell the immature freaks that at least you are maturing when they are not!. It natural and nothing to be too ashamed of!. Make sure you carry protection with you in your locker or whatever just in case!. Good luck I know how you feel!.

My love goes out to you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

thats pretty embarrassing but if u wanna share stories like this, i suggest another website!. y/a isnt really gonna help

besides, if ur so embarrassed, why are you telling more people!? dont u just wanna keep it private!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

And your question is!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. !?!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

i feel for u!.!. that seriously does suck!.!. i wuldnt laugh at u tho!.!. i wuld just try to help u out in anyway i can!.!. hope u hav a good day at skool 2morrow!.!. good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

That really sucks!. Ask his girlfriend!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


i would tell ur bros gf!. its eaiser than telling him :]

but ppl willl forget SOON i promiseWww@Answer-Health@Com

Aww don't worry about it!. Those boys are immature and will grow up eventually!. If you don't go to school it might make it worse!. But the teacher has obviously seen stuff like this before, or had girlfriends or other girls who have gone through this!. He sounded like a really nice guy telling those jerks to be quiet!.

Don't be scared to ask your brother, or if you are maybe ask his girlfriend if you could talk to her for a sec and ask her then!. She will completely understand and she will be able to help you and get you what you need!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your period is nothing to be embarrassed about, all of us, women, have to go through it!. Ask your brother for tampons, cause you really need them, or tell him to give you a lift to and from the drugstore and you can buy them yourself!. He knows all about women having periods, so don't worry!. If not, ask his girlfriend!. About school, forget about them, those are a bunch of immature airheads who probably flunked/will flunk biology and won't get to have a good relationship for a long time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

aww, i'm so sorry! that really sucks!
if i was you i would call a friend or something and ask if they had any tampons and then have your brother take you over to their house and get some!. just say you need a school book or something!.

or just tell your brother you need to go to the store for something and tell him to wait in the car!. he'll get the hint!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Im sorry girl!.!. I know you feel embarrassed but just go ask your brothers girlfriend to help you!.!. Im sure she will be so much more understanding than you think!! Girls her age understand how it is to be in your position at your age!.!.!.!. Just go ask her girl!

Good luck and tomorrow go to tell Colton he's an asshole from all of us!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Oh Geesh! A teenage girls worst nightmare! My heart goes out to you!. The only thing you can do is just pretend it never happened!. This type of thing happens occasionally in the adult world, but I know it feels 100 times worse in School!. Kids are mean! So just ignore everyone that says anything!. It'll be old news really quick, I promise! Hang in there!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't worry about immaturity!. The same thing happened to me when I was a freshman in high school, except I, of course, was wearing a very WHITE skirt!. Just remember that in a couple of days your story will be old, and no one will really care!. Just brush it off and have as much confidence as is possible! You can't let them see you sweat!. Tell your brother and his girlfriend, especially if it's something you absolutely need! And plus, I'm sure his girlfriend will understand!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

aww!. I'm sorry sweetie! that must suck, I guess that the teasing should die down soon and really that boy is being immature like most boys are!. I have been in bad moods and guys have asked me if I was on my period and I said yupp, go away!. so, you'll be fine!. just carry pads and tampons around regularly so this doesn't happen again!. Also, if you can't tell your brother ask his girlfriend in private, yeah, she might tell him but it's nothing to be ashamed of!. You're maturing!

good luck at school tommorow sweetie!.
sorry, by the way!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ok, ok, first of all you have to calm down a little!. i know that it may seem bad at the moment, but days pass by quickly and soon you'll be fine!. I'm sure that none of the other boys will be mocking you for having your period in class(they'll be too embarased or just jerks)!. as for the ones that do(including this Colten dude, or w/e his name is) just snap right back at him and be like "yeah, you'd know all about it wouldn't you!? I'm sure yours always comes on time!." or something like that!. then he'd sure know what it feels like to be embarased!. Or, if you're more stand-offish or shy, just ignore him and anyone else that bugs you about it!. get your friends behind you!. don't back down and don't let anyone make you feel like you're worth less than you are!. I know it sounds kinda corny, but its true!. i hope this advice helped *rubs back of head* ^^; let me know how it goes!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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