Should have my Mom done something about me being bulmic?!

Question: Should have my Mom done something about me being bulmic!?
Alright, so last year around this time i was still bulmic!. My Mom bought be subway!.!.and of course I threw it up, she found out because it pluged(sp) the toliet up!. She really didn't say anything about it only when she was unplugging the toliet she said "you cant do that!!" when i was in the room

Of course, she told my Dad (who i dont live with) and he brought me out to lunch, and really the only thing he said something like "you don't really want to look like thoses skinny models,do you!?" and "you have to stop that"

That was the starting month that i STARTED to throw up almost everything if I had a chance!. After that i threw up about 3-4 times a month, and still do!. I don't throw up everything, just unhealthy things, or i will pig out on ice cream, cookies and then throw it up!.

Now that you get it, should have my mom done something that day she found out!?

Thanks for your help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't know why you think this matters!. I would imagine she had a LOT on her mind once she realized she had reasons to suspect you had an eating disorder!. Chances are she was having a hard time figuring out whether or not you really were bulimic, or if it was her imagination!. Not only that, she was probably trying to figure out a way to intervene and talk to you about it without hurting you or causing you to withdraw from her!.

Taking action on sensitive issues like psychological and behavioral problems is a big, big deal!. If she took a while to confront you, that meant she probably cared a lot about doing it in the best way possible!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well what was she suppose to do!.!. she told you you shouldnt do it!.!. if you didnt listen then!.!. nothing else she said was gonna help!.!.!.!.!.

you really shouldnt do that!.!. i was once like that!.!.!. please jsut stop!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

She did do something!. She told you to knock it off!. So maybe you should have listened to her and stopped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes she should have, you need professional health cause that's something serious!. she can help you with it better now than to lateWww@Answer-Health@Com

Stop being bulimic, genius o!.OWww@Answer-Health@Com

yes!.that is VERY serious!if u still do,get help immediately!it can control ur whole life,and im sure u dont want that!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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