Hysterectomy Questions...?!

Question: Hysterectomy Questions!.!.!.!?
I am a 24 year old female with 2 children and a loving husband!. 3 months ago I was diagnosed with a Right Leg DVT (blood clot)!. I was on the pill continuously because getting my period put me in the E!.R!. every month!. So the only answer was to take the pill every day- so I wouldnt get my period- or to have a hysterectomy!. Well, because I got the blood clot, I can NEVER go back on the pill!. I also have Endrometriosis very badly!. So now I have to have the hysterectomy to relieve all of these issues!. Please, anyone who has a simular case, or just had a hysterectomy- any encouraging words!. I am not only very nervous and scared about the procedure itself- but the severe complications that lay with being on blood thinners!. I will check when ever I receive a neew comment- so any further info needed or questions, please ASK!!! Thanks so much to you all!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi there,

I too had a hysterectomy!. I had Endo, Cysts, Tumors, you name it, I had it!. I have 3 children, so I suppose I was one of the lucky ones!. I was scared out of my mind, I wasn't as afraid of the hysterectomy itself, I was terrified of being put under!. I went in, it was a breeze, actually it was the best nap I ever remember having!. I didn't know what to expect because everything was so damaged inside!. My choices were hysterectomy or death, so of course I chose the hysterectomy!. I must tell you, it is the best thing that ever happened to me!. Seriously, the pain I suffered before the surgery made me crazy!. The Endo alone was enough to make me want to die due to the pain!. It's been 4 years, I have never felt better!. Each day I count my blessings!. I would do it again in a heartbeat! Good luck, take deep breaths, and know that when you wake up, after you heal, you won't suffer like you are suffering every day! You will have a fresh start on your life, and you will enjoy your kids and your hubby without that pain!


I had a hysterectomy seven weeks ago, due to a uterine prolapse!. I am 31 years old!. Two weeks post-op, the cuff that was used to close my cervix dissolved too quickly or it was defective!. This led me to have SEVERE hemorrhaging!. I then had a second surgery to repair this!.
I know that when I am all healed, I will feel so much better!.
Make sure you discuss your issue with your doctor, because every case is different!.
Also, find out what is being removed- just the uterus, or cervix, ovaries also!? Also, how will the procedure be done- abdominal, laproscopic, etc!.
I can recommend some good books on the topic!. Contact me if you need more info!.
Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

they will probably reduce you dosage on your thinners prior to surgery, when you wake up you will feel extremely sore in you neck/shoulder area this is because they tilt you at such an angle in the OR all your weight is basically resting towards your shoulders/neck area!. you should do fine you will be going threw a controlled surgery and they will have back up if needed (and think about "no more periods" yeah!!) GOOD LUCK and will keep you in my thoughts!Www@Answer-Health@Com

My mom had a hysterectomy because large tumors were growing in her uterus!. I remember that after the operation she was having a very hard time recuperating!. It took a good couple of weeks for her to start feeling like herself again!.
Getting a hysterectomy is a pretty extensive operation!. I only wish the best for you and hope that everything goes well for you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well I had a hysterectomy at 18 with no problems except for a hospital error that took place!. My ovaries were left and I have not gone into menopause yet!. I am now your age!. My mom had one probably about 12 years ago and left the hospital that night!. She also had no problems!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi, I haven't had one myself, but my Mum had one done quite afew years ago now and she really needed it too!.

The Doctors and Nursing staff told Mum that while she would be in pain, the sooner she got out of bed(which was the day after the Op) the better for her!. Also she was told to walk upright as this will help with the healing and also it helps with your muscles as well!.

Mum still has her Ovaries, which makes a big difference to things!.

While you are abit young to be going through this, I'm sure that afterwards when you've healed you will feel much better, my Mum felt like a new woman afterwards and she has never looked back!.

Good Luck with everything and please Take Care!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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