How does birth control work with inactive pills??!

Question: How does birth control work with inactive pills!?!?
If your inactive pills are just sugar pills persay how come in the 1st week off your next birth control pack you are still protected when you were off of bc for a week!? i dont understand this!.!.!.thanks for you info!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The pills work by tricking your body into thinking you've already ovulated!. So it would take 2 weeks (your period week and then another full week) for your body to build up the uterine lining enough and release the right hormones to ovulate!. Since you're tricking your body into thinking it's already released the egg for 3 weeks running, that one "period" week is not enough for your body to readjust it's hormones to ovulate!. Confusing, I know, but it does work and you ARE protected!.

Just remember that NO method is ever 100% effective, but pills are pretty darned good anyway!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

bc pills make you chemically pregnant, your ovaries do not produce eggs when you are pregnant!. The pause in the hormones for one week, allows your uterus to empty but doesn't change the fact that the ovaries will not produce an egg, so you don't have the risk of pregnancy after taking the pills for about three months and for a good three to six months after stopping the pill altogether!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

because you start your next pack your obviously back to being protected!. the pills protect you and the sugar pills are just there to make sure you get your period!. you really werent off taking bc for a week if you took the sugar pillsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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