Permanent birth control options?!

Question: Permanent birth control options!?
Ok ladies, I need honesty here!. What form of permanent birth control have you had done and what side affects are you dealing with as a result of it!?

I'm in a tight spot!. I cannot take the chance of getting pregnant again!. I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and seeing a lot of specialist due to my many medical conditions, one being possibly life threatning these next few weeks (my heart is very week)!. I already know that a tubal ligation is not an option due to my heart condition!. Please tell me your story!. I need help from real women!. Thank you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, if you are married, then your hubby should get snipped!. That would solve the problem of getting pregnant again!.

After 3 children, I was advised not to have any more, my 3rd one almost killed me!. On top of that, with some of the meds I have to take, isn't advised to take while pregnant, high risk of birth defects,ect!.
My hubby decided it would be best if he was the one that got 'fixed", it is easier, faster recovery and cheaper!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You are going to want to speak to your doctor!. A tubal is not the same old tubal ligation as it used to be!. It is no longer a slice and dice surgery procedure!. They can now go in thru your belly button and do it as a day surgery so you are in and out and also using a local!. I also have heart issues and was concerned, but after a meeting with my cardiologist and OB, I was good to go!. The surgery went off without a hitch!.
Previously I used an IUD but that did not work well for me!. It was an unpleasant 8 months of constant monthly bleeding and cramps, I would have only about 10 days out of the month that was not involving pain or pads!.
your best bet is to have a frank conversation with your doctor!. If your pregnancy ends with a C-Section, they can tie your tubes at the same time as well!.
Good luck to you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's not a completely permanent option, as there are no real "permanent" options other than getting a hysterectomy (although I've heard of an alternative to hysterectomy in which they sear the inside of your uterus, making pregnancy impossible), but a copper IUD may be a good option for you, as it can stay in place and protect against pregnancy (99!.9%effective) for up to 10 years, I think!. It might be a good option for you if you haven't made up your mind yet by the time you need to do something!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i have never tried this, but i have heard a lot of good things about Mirena!. It's an IUC!. They put it in you and it will make you not pregnant for at least 5 years!. it is a bit expensive, but i think in the long run worth it because when it comes to birth control and whatnot, it adds up!.
here is the site!.

good luck


Get your tubes tied!. Or just stick to the pillWww@Answer-Health@Com

Try sleeping with girls instead!. You will never ever have to worry about that ever again!. Its great!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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