Please Read: Kinda long..?!

Question: Please Read: Kinda long!.!.!?
Okay well my cousin is 20yrs old!. She was about 6 months pregnant with twins, she lost the babies last Thursday, (she said she was bleeding and a really high fever and when she got to the hospital she has already lost them)!. She went in at 10pm and got out at 9am the next morning, she said the doctors put her to sleep with some anatisia!. While they took the babies out!.!. Does something not add up here!?!?!? I asked her what happened to the babies she just said shes gonna let the hospital deal with it!? (id hate to think she got rid of them) she seemed really upset thou!.!. If the hospital deals with it what do they do to the already dead babies!?!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

that is long
maybe you should talk to her more about it
hopefully she didn't do anything to them
but its possible she did
if i was in your position i would ask a doctor
and i also think if she did something to them you would have got signs from her earlier in the pregnancy
if she was crying then more and likely she didn't do anythingWww@Answer-Health@Com

I'm really concerned about your focus here!. How is your cousin!? What is she going through now!? What are her concerns about her condition, her feelings about the loss of the babies!?

Isn't it a little strange that you are focusing more on the disposition of the dead than the disposition of the living!? Please give this some serious consideration!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

What is it that you think doesn't add up!?!? Are you saying you think she had an abortion or something!? Because at 6 months pregnant, no doctor would agree to perform an abortion unless your cousin's life was at risk!.

As far as what happens to the babies goes, well some people want to have funerals, and others don't!. The hospital will generally offer to "dispose" of the fetuses in cases like this unless the mother wants to have a funeral, in which case the fetuses would have been transferred to the morgue while the funeral was arranged!. If it's left to the hospital, the fetuses will likely be cremated along with other human tissue products such as amputated limbs etc (sorry, it sounds horrible, but that's what happens)!.

Of course your cousin is really upset, she's just lost 2 babies!. You need to stop focusing on the specifics and just be there for her and support her through this difficult time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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