Will my tampon last through the day?!

Question: Will my tampon last through the day!?
im wearing my first tampon rite now, yay!
and it's the playtex gentle glide slender lite!. (smallest size)
i have a pretty average flow!.!. i can go through about two normal-absorbancy pads on my heaviest day!.
so im wondering if i put a new tampon in right before school, if it'll last till the end of the day!? school is just less than 7 hrs long!.
im soo scared of TSS!. and leaking!. and i probably won't have the courage to put a new one in in the school bathroom!.
cuz!.!.!.dont laugh, but i go this one in by standing with one leg on the toilet and a mirror on the floor so i could see wat i was doing!. It would've been impossible for me otherwise!
soo im pretty sure they dont have mirrors on the school floor's bathrooms!.!.!.do you think i'll be okay for the day!?

p!.s!. this is the 3rd day of my period, usually the heaviest, but so far i've had an extremely light period so i was hoping it'll be like this tomorrow as well!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey well im REALLY saoory to tell you this but ummmm you should change your tampon every 2-4 hours!. Sorry but to avoid leaking and more importantly TSS i change my tampons every 3 hours!. If you have some sot of tiny mirror you could bring it to the bath room with you and well yeah!. Or could start the day with a tampon and after 3ish hours take it out and use a pad!. It works

hope this helps


i dont think it iwll not trying to burst your bubble but you will probably have to end up changing it

or maybe even wear a tampon for half the day and take it out then just use a pad for the rest

it might be more comfortable till you can put it in just by sitting on the toilet!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

its not good for you to leave a tampon in for that long!. your supposed to change it every three-four hours!. i wouldn't go 7 hours unless you absolutely HAVE to!. your probly just really tight and its gonna take a few periods to get the hang of it!. right now, in order to not risk TSS, i'd either use a pad or change your tampon during school!. hope i helped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I recommend sticking to pads during school until you're confortable enough to replace your tampon in school!.

Good luck!


no dont leave it in 7 hours this can cause bacteria and germs causing diseases you should change tampons every four hours maxWww@Answer-Health@Com

ur supossed to change it 3-4 hours to prevent tss!.!.!.
so i suggest u change it some how cuz i dont think u would want tss anyway so dont risk it!.
good luck i guessWww@Answer-Health@Com

You need to change your tampon more often, like every 3-4 hours!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i wouldn't risk it!.!.!.if ur worried about tss and leaking take some pads along with u if u have a hard time getting a tampon in!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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