Can i make love with my boyfriend safely after i had period? i mean, not to use !

Question: Can i make love with my boyfriend safely after i had period!? i mean, not to use condom!.!?
i heard that a week after period u can make love and it's no danger to get pregnant!. is it true!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Wow, someone really gave you misinformation!. The week after your period is actually THE MOST FERTILE time of the month, meaning the time when you are most likely to get pregnant!.

Day 1 is the day when your period starts!.

Day 14 is the "normal" day of ovulation (but this can vary by a few days)

Sperm can live for 3 (and sometimes, up to 7) days, so if you have sex anytime between Day 7 and Day 21, then you're more likely to get pregnant!.

The chances of getting pregnant at ANY time are between 3 - 20 %!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

No matter what you "heard", it's not true!. The week after your period ends is when you have the HIGHEST chance of pregnancy, because sperm can live for several days inside you!. If you ovulate before all the sperm are dead, they can fertilize the egg, and you will be pregnant!.

So if you have unprotected sex as long as five days before you ovulate, you can get pregnant!.

If you don't know exactly what day you ovulate, the risk is even higher!. Because you might ovulate earlier than you think!.

If you don't want a baby, don't ever have unprotected sex!. Not even during your period!. That's just common sense!. I'm tired of reading questions from people who want to "take risks in perfect safety"!. It can't be done!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can get pregnant ANYTIME!. Before, during, or after your period!. Don't believe the story about not being able to get pregnant if you have sex in the water!.

For people that are trying to get pregnant find it easier to get pregnant after their period but that doesn't mean the rest of us can't get pregnant any other time!.

Don't be a fool!. Tell him to wrap his tool!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

This isn't true you can get pregnant anytime there is just a lesser chance the week or so after your period because the next egg you are going to release hasn't traveled very far through your fallopian tube and there is a farther distance the sperm has to travel to get to your egg!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you can get pregnant any time you arn't using some kind of protection, and no the having sex in the water thing is not true the only time that semen becomes inactive is when it is dried, so just play it safe and you should be fine!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

no sperm can live inside a women for up to a week!. You need to know your cycle (do a chart on a calender) so you know not to have sex when you ovulating!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That is not true!. You can get pregnant at ANY time of the month!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think it is true but best to ask a doctor or maybe your mum !?

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