I have a question for the girls and any medics here?!

Question: I have a question for the girls and any medics here!?
I have found a lump on one breast and I am rather worried!. The girls in my employ say I should see the doctor!. But there is so much work on!. This is our busiest time of the year!. Please!. Advice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i know this is always a difficult time for us women, to have to put work aside and all sorts of other things to deal with our health because that means it could be something serious and worrying about work seems to be a good way to deny yourself the medical attention you very well may need! if the lump you feel is what we all fear know that catching these things as early as possible is the best thing we can do for ourselves our family, friends and yes even the work we do!. my mom has caught three lumps in the "in stitu stage" i think i spelt that correctly!. it means stage 0, zero zilch, just about nada and they were removed and she is still healthy! her mom, grandma and her niece all passed from breast cancer all three women passed well before the time came when medicine knows as much as they do now about curing the big C! so, please, it could be a cyst or a swollen lymph gland due to an infection you had or may be developing and you are fine!. or if it turns out to be what you're afraid of it being please know it is most treatable in it's earliest stages! so, take a friend, take your mom, take your significant other and go see about this as soon as you are able!. please!? all will work out, it may just take longer than you or anyone would hope!. but you'll get over the mountain! besides you're a woman and we are strong! god/dess bless you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Please go to a doctor!!!! My mom had a lump on her breast and after leaving it there for a year then the lump kept getting bigger and bigger and they had to remove her right breast!. Its a hard thing to have to suffer through but its just as hard as it is on you than it is on the family and friends!. I am closest to my mom and i cried when i found out!. So please get checked out!. From one woman to another, get it checked out!. your boss will have to understand that your health is more important than any job on this earth!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would say get in to the doctor as soon as possible!. This can be something very serious that can be treated if caught soon enough!. Or it could just be a cyst, either way, no job is worth risking your health!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should definitely see a doctor; it could turn into something serious one day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

see a doctor!. asap!. breast lumps can be serious!. go now!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

HURRY c a DOCTOR asapWww@Answer-Health@Com

not to sound mean but u need to get of the computer and get to the doctor asap!!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to MAKE time!. Get an appointment!. It won't kill you to get one!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you need to see a doctor health comes before work!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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