My period is stuck and i feel like im going to die?!?!

Question: My period is stuck and i feel like im going to die!?!!?
Im a girl 13 years old and my period is stuck!. There has been no blood and ive been cramping really badly for the last few days!. I just threw up in my bathroom and i havent eaten anything for the past few days!. I feel like im having a fever and i dont know what to do!. My whole stomach hurts!. My head is fatigued and tired and i dont know what to do!. I've tried everything and i cant do anything!. I cant go to sleep or even see straight!. I went to the hospital yesterday and they said that there was nothing wrong with me!. Somebody please help me!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can try soaking a towel in hot water ( hot enough that it won't burn your skin), and lay it on your stomach, or wherever you're experiencing these cramps!. Also, try metamusil, it's a high in fibre powder that you mix with a cup of water!. It helps with the stomach, and will lessen the pains from the cramps!. Try to drink enough water, and get something to eat!. You may be having very terrible cramps because you said you haven't eaten in the past few days, and on top of that, you're having menstrual cramps!. Get something to eat that will fill u up!. Hopefully the hot towel method will ease your mind, and will relax you enough for you to fall asleep!. It works very well, and you can leave it on for as long as you want to, just make sure the towel is still hot!. Good Luck, and I hoped I helped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

your period is stuck, vomiting, cramping,

yep you're definetly pregnant

just messing ;)
you shouldn't be at 13 anyway!.!. i hope

your period cant get 'stuck', it just hasnt come yet!.
take a few panadol, and lay in a hot bath
should help with the cramps and sicknessWww@Answer-Health@Com

Drink some hot tea and put on some soothing music and RELAX!. It will come!. Periods are not always predictable!. Maybe you should drink some prune juice if you are constipated!. Sometimes stress can make your period come on/not come on!.

So just relax!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You probably overdoesed on Acetaminophen!.

Good job, your stomach is going to explode now!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try having a warm bath sometimes that will help you to 'go with the flow' !.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Please disregard the first message, what an idiot!

Honey, you need to go to your local GP!. Get your mum or adult friend to take you!. If I was taking you I would demand they do a full physical!.

In the mean time for the cramping lay on your back with your feet elevated and try a hot water bottle, a warm bath may also take the edge off, listen & sing along to some music or do something to distract you from the pain!.

For the pain & fever, im not sure what you have already taken so I cant suggest any pain relief!.

You could see a chemist and they might suggest some natural remidies to help with these symtoms!.

With you not being able to eat, & the vomiting and blured vision Im NO doctor but it sounds like your body has rejected something or you have some kind of infection!.

Just a quick question, is this your first period!? have you had sex!? you may be experiecing an eptopic pregnancy!.!.!. but I hope at your age you have not had sex!. You seem smart!!

Best of luck sweetie! hope this helps if not go back to the hospital & cause a scene, that should get someones attention!. lolWww@Answer-Health@Com

Umm sounds like something is wrong but not really like your period is "stuck"!.
Doesn't sound like it has anything to do with your period at all to me!.
Also i understand the whole thing with the idiot doctor at the hospital I was running a fever of 106 degrees and they sent me home saying that it would pass and i was perfectly fine!. Went back to my actual doctor they did blood tests but in the end said the same thing!. I ended up being sick for a month and a half and still never found out what was wrong with me!.
Not fun when your twelve and its summer let me tell you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

first of all , u just be calm!.
u r a starting stage of teenager, so don't get angry and other bad feeling!.
ur feelings only hurt u more!.!. so take meditation first or hear some good music or concentrate some interesting things do u like!.!.!.
eat nutrition food , which is good for health and sorry to say don't drink the alchol!. its lead u some stomach upset and swinging mood!. so, just stop it!.
i give some diet for u, if u can do it!.!.
after u wake up drink some water, then go for exercise for 30 mins!.
then drink a papaya juice or pineapple or orange juice whatever fruit juice do u like have it!.!.(papaya juice regulate the periods)
ur breakfast combine with wheat bread toast, some veg salad, geenleaves and ofcourse some chicken pieces!.!.

then lunch is whatever u like u had it!.!.

dinner some friuts, veg, and main dish whatever u like!.
before going to sleep drink a glass of warm milk which give more sleepy feeling for u!.
u don't confused urself!.
life is to live!. its a beutiful things!.!.!.
so don't put a circle yourself!.!.!.!.!.!.
i think its enough for u!.!.!.
enjoy well dear!.!.!. cheers!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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