What can you tell me about Depo-Provera?!

Question: What can you tell me about Depo-Provera!?
& why does your body change every time you have a childWww@Answer-Health@Com

I'm use the injection!. It's a god send for me!. I have no periods, haven't had one for two years!. Others aren't so lucky as I know people who had month long periods after having it!. My doctor said that you shouldn't take it for more than two years at a time, have a break because it can make your bones weak!.
It is an injection that you have in your bottom cheek every three months!. Also when you finally decide not to use it anymore, it still remains in your system for up to a year!. So during this time, it may be impossible to conceive!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Depo is a shot you typically get every 90 days!. Can be given in your arm or hip, they should rotate sides each time you get a new one since you will be sore for a day or two at the spot of injection!. Has been very effective for me seeing as I used it for 4 years after my first daughter and am now back on it after I had 2 more children!. Convenient for the person who is allergic to or cannot remember to take the pill at same time evryday!.

Some people tend to gain some weight while on it for the first year, my younger sister did and she has no children but was not a very active person at the time!. If you are active each day, I don't think this is a problem!. She has gone back on it and has not gained any weight this time around!. I have never gained weight from it, but was also breastfeeding children so lost alot of weight anyhow!. I chase 3 kids all day so I stay active and move around and I think that has helped from any extra weght gain that might occur from it!.

Some people will also bleed on and off for the first year, mostly spotting and no real period, which was a plus for me as I had horrible pain in my back and abdomen and headaches while I had my period before!. I might spot twice a year now, usually during the week before I get my next shot, might spot for a day or two but thats it!. I won't spot for six months and then might spot 3 days before next shot but remember EVERY PERSON REACTS DIFFERENTLY TO EVERYTHING!. These are just my observations from having been on it on and off for the past 10 years!.

I got this even though I hate needles because I could not remember to take a pill everyday at the same time, plus might forget for a day or two to take it, that is how i got pregnant with my son!! Only bad thing I know of is it depletes some calcium in your bones if you are late 20's and older like I am so I take a calcium and vitamin D supplement each morning!. Have it next to coffee pot so I can remember it!.

Best bet on ifo is to ask your doctor or call a nurse!. I asked at the health department when I went back on it and they gave me all the info there!. I am sure if you google it you can find plenty of info!.

Body will change everytime you have a child because every child develops differently and will sit differently in your uterus!. Causing your body to stretch in diffreent ways each time!. I personally have loved the way my body has changed, each child gave me more curves in the right places and breastfeeding (could not afford formula) REALLY strips off all the baby weight and more depending on how long you breastfeed!. Your body may go back to near what it was before but I think just with more curves, just takes a little time, don't rush it if trying to get back to smaller size, will come off naturally and in a healthy way if just move around and walk daily!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Depo Provera (also known as DMPA or Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate) is a hormone injection that lasts for 3 months to prevent pregnancy!. The injection contains synthetic progesterone and no estrogen!. It is usually given in the the arm, hip, upper thigh, or abdomen, delivering a high level of progesterone into the body!. Depo Provera stops the ovaries from releasing eggs!. Depo Provera causes the cervical mucus to thicken and changes the uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to enter or survive in the uterus!. These changes prevent fertilization!. Depo Provera is a very private form of birth control because it cannot be seen on the body and requires no home supplies!. It does, however, require a clinic appointment every 3 months!. Depo Provera is 97-99!.7% effective as birth control!. It does not protect against reproductive tract infections, including HIV/AIDS!. There are some serious health risks with Depo Provera, so be sure to get all the facts in advance!.

i used the depo shot for years and never had a problem with it!. i have heard of people that miss their periods, but that never happend to me!. i loved not having to worry about taking a pill everyday!.!.!.
i am 29 now and have 3 great kids and my body is well!.!.!. not in it's prime anymore!.!.!. i have stretch marks and saggyness in places that used to hold it's own!.!.!.lol!.!.!.
i have seen people that have had 5 kids and their body seems to bouce right back into place!.!.!. i think allot of it has to do with genetics and will power!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Depo Provera can be good if you are not very good at remembering to take the pill however once your have it remember it is in your body now for months so if you have any side effects there is nothing they can do about it!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. I would suggest talking to your Dr about it and reading some leaflets!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well for one your bOObs always start to sagg after a child cuz there getting enlarged during pregnancy, stretched and so forth, each time!. simply the pysical stress and mental of having a baby!.

depro-provera is a shot that that you get like every 3 months i think lol!.!. go on the website!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I personally didnt have a good experience with it!.

I got on it the day after I gave birth to my daughter and bled non-stop for the entire three months!. Not heavy the whole time!.!.!.mostly spotting but still it never stopped until the very day i was supposed to go back for my next shot!.

Everyone is different!. Good luck if you are thinking of trying it!.

The patch is a good alternative!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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