On birth control, no condom, pull out.. light period?!

Question: On birth control, no condom, pull out!.!. light period!?
Me and my boyfriend have been having sex for about 6 months now!. I am on the birth control pill and we dont use condoms, as i had a reaction to them!. but we always use the pull-out method!. I have just started on the sugar tablets and i have my period but it is alot lighter then normal and one day late!. Im only on the first day of my period, am i just overreacting or could something be wrong!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm not saying you are definitely not pregnant but normally if you think you could be, you get paranoid and little things like feeling tired or lighter periods can make you believe that you are!.!.!. There are lots of reasons for late or lighter periods such as stress, weight gain, weight loss or your pill!.
If you are still worried go to your doctor but i think you are probably overreacting because i have been in your position before and everything turned out fine xxxWww@Answer-Health@Com

I wouldn't worry!. It's normal for periods to be lighter and shorter (#days) while using birth control!. It can also lessen cramps! As long as you get a period, you're most likely not pregnant!. And forget the pull out method, it proven over and over again that it's extremely ineffective!. Men ejaculate a little sperm prior to orgasm, so you can still get pregnant!. Make sure you are taking your pills correctly, about the same time each day, and don't miss a dose!. As long as you are doing that, birth control pills are pretty effective in preventing pregnancy!. They do nothing for sexually transmitted diseases though!. Now if you don't get a period at all, then you might want to get a pregnancy test to make sure!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can still get pregnant using the pull out method, it is not fool proof!. If you think you are pregnant, get a in home pregnancy test to be sure!. If birth control pills do not work for you there are other ways for you not to get pregnant!. Please be responsible while having sex, if you don't want a child right now and see your doctor for other methods of birth control!. In this day and age there are so many other options!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You are overreacting, no doubt!. If you were pregnant your period wouldn't be there at all!. If your period does completley stop coming, get a pregnancy test!. But for now you have nothing to worry about!. Your hormones are raging and your period may be changing a little!. Having it this light, and one day later is no big deal, and this may be the new "normal" for you!.
If this continues or your period stops coming though, I would see a doctor and/or buy a pregnancy test!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hate to break it to you but the pull-out method ain't no method!. You can STILL get pregnant regardless of whether he pulls out just before he {insert word here} because when you have intercourse sperm does manage to make its way out and up into you!.!.!.during sex!.

You use birth control so I wouldn't worry too much!. If this has never happened before maybe it would be worth talking to your doctor about it!. It is only your first day so it may just be that it hasn't quite "hit" yet!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

im ony on the pill, and me n my boyfrend dont even use pull out, i think its spite full!.!.
he cant use condoms cosa you, or he cant come inside!?
thats jsut liek destroyign sex (:

me n my boyfriend ony use 1 method !. nits been save for 6 months:D

but yeh your overreactingWww@Answer-Health@Com

It's probably ok if you've taken all your pills!. Even on the pill sometimes periods don't always arrive on the same day, or start off lighter!. You should be ok!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You are overreacting!. If you are that worried, use a second method next time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

give it a chance you could just be stress and that does sometimes stop your period from comimngWww@Answer-Health@Com

over reacting!.
give it a chanceWww@Answer-Health@Com

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