Why do you trust your doctor or medical people to examine you?!

Question: Why do you trust your doctor or medical people to examine you!?
After reading a question on here and also it has been a thought in my own head, i want to ask the question why do we feel it's ok to undress in a doctor's clinic and let them examine us!? Do you trust them!? We wouldn't undress infront of a stranger and let them do these things!. After all doctors are just people who went to university!. how do we know when makes are examining female that they aren't thinking things or vice verse!?

I know its a weird question and i actually have a problem with this myself even though i have a very good relationship with my gp, i would never undress for them no matter what, it is possibily to do with past abuse and my own insecurities but i was wondering what other peoples views where!.

My boyfriend is a physician and to him you're almost not a person!. He's not thinking about your breasts or genitals or buttocks!. You're a puzzle to solve!. You're parts!. It sounds kind of harsh, but that's his job!. When a person undresses for an examination he isn't really thinking, "OH BABY!." He's thinking, "OH, there's a rash, combined with labored breathing, blah blah blah" or he's thinking about his girlfriend, his car, his practice and million other things!.

My boyfriend says the women who are the least attractive (the ones you wish you didn't have to see undressed) often are the ones who are the most obnoxious about it!. He tries to get other people to see women who freak out about everything, because they aren't worth the headache!.

I have no problem undressing and being examined by a male doctor, in fact my doctor is a dude!. He's nice!. He's probably thinking about a million other things!. Though on our last gyno exam he made a comment about my "amazing body" but what he meant was it was amazing that i'd lost 140 pounds and my body looked completely different!. He said he couldn't believe it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I suppose its weird when you're going to a new or different doctor!. But these people see 100's of various body parts depending on their speciality every week!. Its no big deal to them!.
And overall doctors they are just trying help you feel your best and live longer not trying to see some hot chick!.
Yes I trust my doctor they know a heck of a lot more about the human body than I do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think of it this way: If I don't do whatever is absolutely necessary for the doctor to see what is wrong with me, then I'm going to continue with this problem!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i trust the OB-GYN!.!.But i have never heard my dentist, family doctor, diet doctor, tell me to undress!.!.

and i find it fishy if any other doctor except my ob wants me to undress!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its a matter of percived trust and authority!.
We naturally assume that the Doctor gets nothing
"sexual" from seeing a paitnet naked!.
It is seen as just being their job!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I agree with imperfection is beauty!. Anything required to ensure that I'm healthy, I'm for the body check then!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

who cares what the doc is thinking its only if they start doing inappropriate thingsWww@Answer-Health@Com

if you don't trust a doctor who do you trust ,,,,,,,,,,Www@Answer-Health@Com

First of all, trust with a doctor has to build up!. Personally, I only let women give me pap smears and things of that nature!.
In all honesty, I don't completely trust my doctor!. If I don't think what she's telling me is right, I try to get a second opinion!. Thankfully, my aunt is a physicians assistant, so she can answer most of my questions!.
If you've been abused in the past, I would definitely recommend a female doctor!. As an extra plus, she'll be able to tell you more about womanly problems as opposed to a male doctor!. You might be able to trust her more over time!. Just remember that it's your body, no one should abuse it, and you shouldn't take everything they say at face value!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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