Afraid to work out?!

Question: Afraid to work out!?
For some reason I feel embarassed to workout!. Like if someone i know saw me running i would quit!. I really need to lost wieght!. Anybody else have this problem, and how do you overcome it!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have the same exact problem so I couldn't go the gym and run in front of people and sometimes you just want to get outside of your home to work out!. What I did was either swam laps (no one can tell who you are if you are underwater), listen to music to get my mind off of the fact that people were around me or I take my dogs for a run around the neighbor hood because everyone looks at the cute dog and not you :) Hope this helped a little bit!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had a lot of trouble taking yoga classes at first because I'm really unflexible and there is a lot of stretching in the class!. But I really enjoy it and going makes me more flexible!.

Honestly, the best way to overcome it is to just force yourself to keep going!. Set a goal each time you go, like maybe jogging three miles in x amount of time!. Don't leave until you've finished!. And look around!. Chances are you look no less ridiculous than anyone else, and with time you'll improve, lose weight, and become more confident about yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i use to be embarrassed to run too! Even though you might feel awkward at first, that feeling goes away!. It just takes some getting use to!. You're just looking into it way more than anyone else ever would if they did happen to see you!. If you keep up with it you will be a pro before you know it! :) have fun !!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i used to be like that!. now i realize people think its a good thing when you work out and it shows them youre determined if you do!. so dont be afraid there is nothing to be scared ofWww@Answer-Health@Com

You can work out inside!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try doing yoga inside of your house or getting a rowing machine and a tredmil!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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