Help FAST! Tampon help?!

Question: Help FAST! Tampon help!?
I'm only 11 and i have my period! i have tampons and pads already but i did not put any of them on yet, i just put toilet paper where it would usually bleed onto my underwear!. I've been doing that for the last few days!. It's not working very well (Obviously!) The toilet paper has been ripping and I always need to think of an excuse to not go in my pool when everyone else in my family is going in!. I'm scared of telling my mom, because i don't know how and i get VERY nervous!. Using a tampon looks really hard, scary and dangerous, i'm sure a pad is easier to use, is it!? Is there such thing as a waterproof pad!? I'm scared of using a tampon, and i LOVE going in the water!

PLEASE help me! My mom never used a tampon in her life so i don't know what to do! I might go to my friend's pool tomorrow and i'm so SCARED! I don't know what to do, please help!. I have nobody to help me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to put a pad on!. Toilet paper will always rip and wont soak up blood very good at all!. Pads wont rip and are easy to use!. A pad is much easier to use but for people who use tampons it is easy!. Tampons are cleaner but you are at risk of TSS if you don't sue them properly!. With pads, you can't get any disease!.

Using a tampon is very easy!. It is not dangerous if you follow the precautions and change every 4 hours!. But It will be scary for your very first time!. They say don't go swimming when wearing a pad!. The pad will get wet and you will probably have blood in the water!.

This site is a excellent site to using your first tampon: http://www!.youngwomenshealth!.org/tampon!.!.!.!. Read this and you can use a tampon then you can swim as much as you want and wont have to have an excuse!.

Just ask to talk to your mum privately and tell her you have started your period and are unable to swim!.

Please email me if you have any other concerns!. I love helping girls like you!. I don't want them to worry or have any concerns!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The pads are easier to use, but if you're swimming, you have to use a tampon!. Now remember that your anatomy is curved and when you put the tampon in, you might need to tilt it back toward your butt a little!. Don't be nervous, and don't be shy because every woman goes through this!. Please tell your mom, so she can help you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ok,first of all you HAVE to tell your mom unless u want her to find out on her own (not good idea) its easy when you tell them and pads are easy all you do iss put ot in your underwear its better than t!.p and tampons work fine they dont hurt and there NOT dangerous in the box theres directions!.!.!.that should help alot i hope thes helps and congratsWww@Answer-Health@Com

tell you're mom, she will understand!.!.!.i didnt think i could tell my mo when i first got mine, but it was much easier than i thought it would be!

when pads get wet the blow up, like diapers!.!.!.(ive had some in my pockets and forgot to take them out before i washed my pants) using a tampon isnt hard, but i did struggle when i first tried to use it, now i only use tampons and pantiliners!.!.!.

just relax and read the directions on inserting a tampon, its okay to feel scared!.!.!.just tell your mom, she can help youWww@Answer-Health@Com

pads are much easier but going swimming you cannot use a pad!. you have to use a tampon!. i would suggest using them later when you have had your period longer!.!.!. so right now, sorry to say, i would just not go swimming this week!. it only lasts a week and then you can go swimming all you want :)
welcome to woman hoodWww@Answer-Health@Com

you are still young so you should try using pads for now!. they are not waterproof but will work better than toilet paper! tampons are easy once you know how to use one but can be complicated at first!. if you decide to try one just follow the directions in the box and practiceWww@Answer-Health@Com

Just tell her!.
You may be nervous, but she'll totally understand -- it's not like it didn't happen to her!.

Talk to her about it, and I'm sure it won't be as nerve-wracking is you may have thought!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sweetie you need to put a pad on, toilet paper is not going ot hold the blood very well!. You need to talk to your mom about using tampons, she may help you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just use pads! Pads just stick to your underwear! DONT USE A TAMPON, UNLESS IF YOU HAVE A BOOK ABOUT IT!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Okay, first of all, use a pad instead of toilet paper!. It's easy!. Rip off the paper to expose the sticky, and stick that on your underware where you bleed!.

As for the tampon, relax!. Listen to me!. It's super easy!. You have plenty of lube going on since your period is going, so it should slide right in!. The key is just to relax!.

-Take it out of the wrapper!.
-Stick the part that the thread is NOT hanging out of into your vagina!. Take as much time as you like!. Try different positions!. Sitting!. Lying down!.
-Push in the side your finger is on!.
-Remove applicator!.

Just read the little packet that it comes with!. And just play with one before sticking it into your vagina if it makes you feel better!. Figure out how it works!.

Mainly, chill out!. It's easy, only as scary as you make it, and only potentially dangerous if you don't remove it in!.!.!.!.!. what is it!.!.!.!.!. six to eight hours or something, whatever the packet tells you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

!.!.!. if you have pads then why are you using toilet paper!?
that's stupid
and tampons can be scary at first but they're not that bad
if you put it in correctly then you won't even be able to feel it
they aren't hard to insert and they aren't dangerous unless you leave them in for a really long period of time (no more than 8 hours!. some people say like 3 or 4 but that's stupid!. even the instructions in the box say you can leave them in for up to 8 hours)
a pad is easier to use but a tampon is more comfortable
seriously, get rid of the toilet paper and put a pad on until you're ready to put a tampon in
people usually only use toilet paper as a last resort when they don't have any pads/tampons and since you do have pads!.!.!.!.!.!.well!.!.!.!.!.you get my point
and no, they don't make water proof pads, you must wear a tampon when you go swimmingWww@Answer-Health@Com

first of all you need to tell your mother!.!.!.or someone close to you who you feel comfortable with and trust!.!.!.second use a pad!.!.!.they are not hard to use at all!.!.!.and thirdly!.!.!.you dont have to use a tampon but after the first or second time you use one they are fine!.!.!.i know cuz i used to be in ballet and i used to live in hawaii so i went in the water a lot!.!.!.but since your nervous you dont have to!.!.!.

and stop using toilet paper!.!.!.thats really gross!.!.!.im not trying to be mean but its your body there is no reason to be afraid of what your going through!.!.!.
plz know that if i hurt your feelings i didnt mean to but dont be afraid about your body and whats going on!.!.!.and your mom is gonna need to know so you really should tell her!.!.!.and if you dont want your dad to know ask her to and she probally wont!.

trust me i told my sister(well basically i didnt know what was happening so she told me) and she told my mom and then i cryed!.!.!.its pathetic i know but i got over it and just asked my mom not to tell my dad!.!.!.and she didnt!.!.!.i was the one who told my dad that his 11 yr!. old daughter had her period!.!.!.and he was cool about it!.

so dont worry

p!.s!. dont go in the water when your not wearing something!.!.!.thats kinda gross

oh and it only hurts the first time you put in a tampon so dont worry about it!.!.!.and as long as you put it in at the correct angle and take it out when its full everything is cool!.
but dont sleep with a tampon in!.!.!.could leak!.!.!.and dont leave it in for longer than eight hours!.!.!.

p!.p!.s!. im older then eleven just so you know that i know what im talking about!. :)
hope i helped!.!.!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Take a deep breath! It's going to be okay!. If you have the tampon box there should be a little diagram on it, or a booklet with a diagram and directions of how to put one in!.

If you want to go swimming you're going to have to use a tampon!. There is no such thing as a waterproof pad, plus if it were it would be bulky and noticeable through your shorts!. In the meantime, go ahead and get yourself a pad instead of using toilet paper!.

I know you're nervous to tell your mom, but could you try writing her a note!? She's been through this before so I'm sure she'll understand!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

First of all, calm down!.
Now go put on a pad!. Why haven't you been using them for the last couple of days instead of toilet paper, when pads have been available!?

Anyway, if you're not yet comfortable trying tampons, then don't!. Your period is only 3-10 days a month (ten's not average, though, so don't freak) so if you don't want to use tampons, just avoid the water for a few days!.
If you do want to use a tampon, then go for it!. It'll take a few tries, but you'll get the hang of it!. It's not scary, or hard, or dangerous!.
There's no such thing as a waterproof pad, either!. If it was waterproof it would not catch the blood flow from your period!.
If you want to use tampons, then try when you get out of the shower!. That'll make it easier to go in!. You have to make sure you're not tense because then you won't be able to get it in!. Just relax!.
Make sure before trying to read the directions in the box thoroughly!.
Take a handheld mirror and check yourself out down there so you know exactly where the vagina is located!.
When trying to put in the tampon, make sure you're relaxed and make sure you aim the tampon toward your lower back and not straight up when trying to insert it!.
Try different positions!. Try putting it in while squatting, or with one foot on the toilet or side of the tub!.
If you can't do it, then take a break and try again later!.
Practice makes perfect!. You'll get it eventually!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Do not be scared!! You are not alone!! Your mom knows what you are going through!. Just tell her, she will be nice and help you!. You definitly need to use a pad or something other than toilet paper!. Just believe me! It might be scary, you might be nervous but you have to tell your mom because she will help you!. For using a tampon you can read the instructions in the box, or ask your friend, she should understand!. You just need to practice a bit and it will come natural!. The key is to relax because if your muscles are tense the tampon will not want to go in!. And don't make the mistake I did, which was that I did not realize that the applicator was actually inserted into me and then you push the tampon in!. I thought you just put the application against your vagina and then push!.I feel kind of dumb, now but whatever!. Good Luck!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

here try this


I guess my answer was not helpful due to the thumbs down!. I do Apologize!. I hope you will be able to have fun at the pool and figure something out!. I remember when I was 14 and A girl I liked got her period!. It was so embarrassing for her!. I just didn't want to see you go through the same!. Chin up!. Have funWww@Answer-Health@Com

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