My girlfriend told me she has had 2 periods this month what could be wrong?!

Question: My girlfriend told me she has had 2 periods this month what could be wrong!?
-shes 15
-no were not sexually active
and I dont know if it is all the time!.!.!.but one day we were watching a movie and when she got up off my lap she had bleed throught her pants and on to mine she was really embarrassed!. (mostly cause I knew she was on her period which I allready knew!.!.!.we tend to stay home cause she dosent feel good!.!.!.which is why I asked her what was wrong because she had her period only a few weeks earlier)
-Just incase you wondering the foreverchristin user name is my girlfriends!.!.!.not mineWww@Answer-Health@Com


Fist it is nice to hear that you talk openly

Nothing can be wrong it could just be a heavy period!.
Coming 2 times in a month can happen ike some girls only have theres every 3 months!.

If it is worring you too much go and see a doctor or if she feels like she dose not want to go out you shoudl go and ask for some advice

For the reason she bleed through her pants and on to yours it is very embarresing but Good taht you are open to each other!!

Good Luck


I have had that happen in my late teens and 20's!.
It was due to ovulating twice those months!.

That is not unusual during the teens when periods are irregular!. Nothing to be concerned about!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

one of em could have just been when she was ovulating!.
read the link!. it kind of explains it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

there shouldn't be anything wrong with her!.!.i've had two periods in one month before it usually happens when your period is irregular or when your cycle regulates to a new time of the month!.!.but if it keeps happening then she should go see her doctor_ :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Not sureWww@Answer-Health@Com


There's probally nothing wrong with her, if she's only 15, then her body may be still trying to regulate!. She prob!. just has irregular periods, but she should still see a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well she's only 15!. i once got mine 14 days apart!. it takes a few years to stablize to every 28 days!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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