Veet or Nair hair removal?!

Question: Veet or Nair hair removal!?
well i never used it before and i was wondering which one of those works!.
is there any pain when you apply one of them!?
can i use it for armpits!?
where can i buy them!?
which one do you recommend !?
is there any pain after!?
does it grow back even worse then before with alot of hair now!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

veet is better, in my opinion and in those of everyone I have talked to!. There is no pain, unless you leave it on too long and get burned!. If you think your skin might besensitive to it, they make special kinds for sensitive skin

Yes, you can use it on your armpits, although I'm not sure how effective it will be!. I'd recommend, veet&shaving on your armpits

You can buy them a lot of places, like your gorcery store, or local drug store

and it doesnt grow back worse!. i have dark tummy hair and i used veet on it and it actually made it grow back lighter so now it looks more like the peach fuzz it should be

best of luck!

(and idk if this was just with me or other people, but i had to rub my legs really hard with a damp rag to get the hair off/out!. but when i rubbed enough, my legs did stay smooth for longer)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I use Nair!. You can use it pretty much anywhere!. Just don't put it on sensitive skin!. Directions and warnings are on the back of the bottle!. If you have dry or sensitive skin make sure you rinse the area you use it on with warm water, thoroughly!. While the area is still wet use sensitive moisturizing lotion and work it in gently!. I do that and it leaves my skin really smooth and hydrated!. You can buy it at almost any convenience or drug store like Walmart, Target, CVS, etc!. I like Nair!. The only bad thing is that most of that kind of stuff smells a lil funny but it doesnt make u smell that way lol!. But some are scented now!. Its not that bad though!. There's no pain or anything!. Just make sure you dont leave it on past the recommended time stated on the bottle!. I use it on my legs, and my bikini area!. It works great, is so much easier than shaving, and leaves ur skin hairless, smooth, with no razor bumps or anything!. It's great if you wana look flawless in a bikini or something!. it doesn't grow back any more than it would with shaving!. It actually lasts longer than shaving!. Hope this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've never tried Veet, but I've tried Nair!. They have scented ones that don't smell too bad, but when you apply Nair it makes your legs *very* itchy!. It does not hurt to apply Nair!.
You can use it on your underarms!.
You can buy it at Wal-Mart (most places have one of those), maybe Target and K-Mart!.
I recommend shaving lol!.
There isn't any pain, but you do feel itchy for awhile even when the cream is gone!.
It doesn't grow back worse than before, and your legs are smoother for longer than with shaving, but it can take up to 10 minutes, while shaving just takes about 4 minutes or less!. Hope I helped!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i used both and i pefer veet it smells better and it makes your legs smoother and (depending on how fast ur hair grows back) it last loger
theres no pain unless u leave it on to long then it will start to burn and u get itchy
you can buy at a drug store such as walgreens or cvs
or go to the shaving isle at ur local grocery storeWww@Answer-Health@Com

NON i tried LOTS of these products and they didn't work at all but then my friend told me that she puts sugar on the stove with water till it heats up then u wait till it turns warm then take a wooden stick and put it on ur skin then take a peace of wool then put it on the mix and take it off it is incredible and it doesn't hurt AT ALL and ur hair is not gonna grow for SIX months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

havent tried veet but once used nair on my friend lol for her eyebrows!.!.!.WAS NOT GOOD SHE HAD LIKE THIS RED SCAR FOR A COUPLE WEEKS lol!.!.!.!.Im pretty sure we werent suppost to use it on her face tho lol!. You can buy either at target or walmart or any store like them!.!.!.just make sure you do a small test patch to see if you are allergic to it :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I use Revitol and have done for quite a while now it is FANTASTIC and I wouldn't use anything else!. I do not like the feel of the moisturiser it is sticky and uncomfortable on application but that wears off after a while, however it works, so to hell with that!. I am 63 and people take me for 40!.

i've never had great results with either- nair smells MUCH worse though!. they weren't painful, and the hair didn't grow back thicker or anything, i just found that my legs were smoother by just shavingWww@Answer-Health@Com

imma try veet from walmart guhh


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