Does a bath with vinegar mixed in help a UTI?!

Question: Does a bath with vinegar mixed in help a UTI!?
My doctor retired and I don't want to sit at a clinic or the ER all day if there's something I can do at home!.

I am drinking tonnes of cranberry juice and water!. Plus taking "Cystex" that the pharmacist recommended!.

What else can I do to get it gone without a doctor visit!?

Thank YouWww@Answer-Health@Com

Home Treatment
You may be able to cure an early urinary tract infection (UTI) if you act promptly when you have the first symptoms of a UTI, such as pain and burning with urination!. Home treatment steps that may stop an infection from progressing include:

Drinking lots of water, especially during the first 24 hours after your symptoms appear!. This will help make the urine less concentrated and wash out the infection-causing bacteria!. This may alter some of your body's normal defense mechanisms, but most doctors recommend drinking a lot of fluids when you have a UTI!. Some people also drink cranberry juice!.
Urinating frequently and completely, to empty your bladder each time!.
To relieve pain, take a hot bath or lay a heating pad over your genital area!. Never go to sleep with a heating pad in place!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i think taking a bath in vinegar wouldn't be good, because vinegar is actually a weak acid!. i would probably take azo tablets instead of cystex, because the active ingredient in azo is the same active ingredient in pyridium which is most commonly used by doctors!. there is a uti test kit sold which confirms you have a uti, but it sounds like you have no question about whether or not you do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sometimes, the cranberry juice and tons of water help - but you might have to break down and go to the dr!. for an antibiotic!. that's the best way to get rid of it fast!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

just drink alot of water to flush it out and if its that bab ask for antibioticsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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