Playtex sport or tampax pearl?!

Question: Playtex sport or tampax pearl!?
i know a lot of people have asked this question and i still am ot sure which one im leaning to because people say that tampax pearl is the best and some say playtex sport is the best or that this one leaks or that that one doesnt hold alot!. And i really need one thats not going to leak because im going on vacation and i am going to go to the beach everydayWww@Answer-Health@Com

Playtex Soprt is the VERY BEST if you are gonna be doing lots of sports,swimming,horse riding,etc!.!.!.
Tampax pearls will slip down and casue leaking if you are doing all of that and since they slip down you will wind up changing it more often becuz it will feel like it is full cuz of how low it slids down and cuz it slids down there is more of a chance that the sring will hang outta your bikini bottom and everyone will see it (gross!!)
tampax pearls open up wide ways so it dosent cover all the plcaes it needs to to not leak and the palytex sport opens up 360 degrees all the way around so there is no chance for leak unless its full!.
if you still aint sure just compair the boxes together and read what each one says!.!.!.!.you'll see what I mean about how they open up different which has a lot to do with how affective they are againist leaks!.

I would go for the playtex sport if I was you!. EVERY time I have worn a tampax pearl it has leaked!.!.!.badly leaked!.

But if you want total protection go for a menstrual cup!. You only have to empty them once every 12 hours conpaired to once every 2-4 hours!. You can swim in them with no chance of a leak whatsoever!. Google them,also check out LiveJournal!.com and type in menstrual cups in the box where it says "interests"!. If you dont have time to order one you can probably get the either the diva,the keeper,or the mooncup u!.s there in time if you ask for hurryed shipping!. If not go to the drug store and get some insteads!.!.!.I dont like them at all conpaired to my LadyCup but!.!.!.!.never mind about the insteads they suck just look around for a diva cup!.

Hope all this helps!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I used to use Tampax Pearl, but it DID NOT work for me very well and seemed to leak very easily and not hold that much!. Now I'm using Platex Sport and I absolutely love them!. They do not leak at all and they seem to hold a lot more than Tampax Pearl ever did!. I would definately suggest Platex Sport if you're planning on going to the beach!. They're meant for those who are active and for swimming they work very well!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

personally i use playtex!. when i first started using tampons, they had a playtex "slimfit" so i was able to get used to that one and then began using regular ones!. you should change them every 4 hours or so anyway so even if you use a super or regular i can't see them being a problem for a heavy bleeder!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ob was the only one that i have found not to leak!.
But it is really a personal choice and i highly suggest you try both before your vacation :)

as with any tampon, the secret is changing it often enough so it doesnt have a chance of leaking !Www@Answer-Health@Com

I use Tampax Pearl!. Have ever since I started my period six years ago!. But it's really a personal choice!. What I like may not be what you like!.
I'm not a big fan of Playtex!. Not as comfortable for me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

tampax pearl all the way!.playtex pearl do suck!.and they really suck if ur bleeding really heavyWww@Answer-Health@Com

O!. B!. Is the best they are so small, and less waste= better for environment :0)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I personally prefer the playtex brand, but I like the playtex gentle glide tampons better than the playtex sport tampons because the applicater for the gentle glide tampons is built better!. However, I switched to a menstrual cup called the divacup and I will never go back to tampons!. A divacup is basically an environmentally friendly tampon that you buy once and use for up to 10 years before replacing it wih a new one!. It's made out of medical-grade silicone and it's shaped like a bell - sort of!. To insert it you fold it up, insert it into your vagina, grab the base of the cup, spin it around a few times so it opens up, and then you're done! It never leaks because it has a suction protection seal and there is no pesky string for you to pee on!. The divacup will collect your blood instead of absorbing it, so when you take it out you dump it into the toilet or sink, wash it, and re-insert!. It may sound gross at first, but I promise that they are so much better than tampons and that they really aren't as messy as it sounds!. I currently switched to the divacup last summer and I absolutely love it! I'm a young teen and a virgin so inserting it was really difficult at first, but after practicing with it for a week or two I was able to insert it with ease just in time to try it out with my period!. (Oh yeah!.!. did I mention that you're able to safely insert it BEFORE you even get your period!? No more stained undies!) I've been using it ever since July 07 and have been really really really happy with it - actually, it's a total lifesaver! It has never leaked on me and it's very comfortable when inserted correctly!. You shouldn't even feel it when it's inside!. Removing it can be a little messy at first, but it's not as bad as I'd pictured it being!. When I was first learning how to remove it I found it easiest to just remove it in the shower so any messes would be washed away, but it isn't messy at all after you've learned how to use it properly!. Sure, you may get a little bit of blood on your fingers from time to time - but it's nothing to worry about!. It also helps if you remove it earlier on before the cup is completely full!. The divacup can be safely left inside for up to 12 hours! Most women find that they only have to empty it in the morning from when they were sleeping and at the end of the day when they get home from school or work!. You usually don't have to empty it in a public restroom unless you suffer from EXTREMELY heavy periods (example: you'd soak through a super tampon within an hour or two!)!. The divacup is so amazing that I can't talk this product up enough! It's healthier than tampons, it doesn't have the risk of TSS, it has better protection, it's better for our wallets, and it's better for our environment!. I'd say at least give it a try!. With all of these benefits you don't have anything to lose! Best of luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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