I just threw up out of no where, any ideas about why?!

Question: I just threw up out of no where, any ideas about why!?
I've had alot of medical problems lately, it seems like one thing after another!. So I'll start with a little background history!. I haven't had a normal period in about 3 months!. This month, September, I spotted for about 3-4 days and it was really light!. I've gone to the dr about this!. When I went they said all my blood work came back normal and I was "fine"!.
Well now tonight out of no where I threw up, and I mean a pretty good amount!. It is possible that I could be pregnant, I am in a serious committed relationship, so the worry of being pregnant and it being an "oops" is not an issue!. But I don't know what to think!. My lower back is also hurting!. I do have a protruded disk in my lower back but it doesn't give me any real problems, least not in the past year!. So that's hurting and I do have a slight to moderate pain on my right side!. I also do not have a gallbladder!.

So any ideas on what in the world is wrong with me!? I just cooked dinner for my boyfriend and I, and I barely ate any but a few bites and I'm just not in the "mood" to eat!.

I really don't know what to think!. I know I haven't been drinking enough water lately either!. I'm addicted to caffeine!. Would that have anything to do with my side hurting!?That's surely nothing to do with my throwing up a little while ago, do you think!?

Thanks for your help!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would buy a pregnancy test if I were you!. All of the symptoms are there!. I'm 4 months pregnant now and have had all of the sames aches and pains!. My right side pain comes from a uterine fibroid!. You should also be considering your appendix!. Have you had a fever!? You might want to check!. If it has ruptured, it may cause vomiting and some people don't experience a great deal of pain!. Blood work may not show anything out of the ordinary until it ruptures when your white blood cells elevate!. Probably worth another visit to the doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think you might be pregnant because no one throws up out of nowhere!.

good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Call your doctor and tell him this storyWww@Answer-Health@Com

did u and ur commited person have sex!?
if so you sound pregnant to me or it may b menopause!.!.!.just kiddingWww@Answer-Health@Com

It's possible to loose your period when you don't get enough water or vitamins and minerals!. It's happened to me before; just take multi-vitamins and make sure you drink sixty four ounces of water per day!. The side cramps and loss of appetite could be a result of your caffeine, if it's caffinated pops that you drink alot, it's possible that you have acid reflux disease!. There are acid reducers at drug stores, called Acid Reducers, or Tums work the same way!. If the cramps don't stop, then try using a heating pad on it in the morning and before you go to sleep!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

If the pain on your right side is on your abdomen, it could be appendicitis!. I would recommend going to the hospital if the pain get worse or if you keep throwing-up!.

I had the same symptoms as you about a year ago!. I though i had appendicitis, but it turned out i had cysts on my ovaries and "unidentified floating fluid" in my abdomen!. It was nothing too serious but if things don't get better, it would be best to visit the ER!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Any of the things you described could be the reason for the random throwing up!. Not drinking enough water can DEFINITELY cause this, and you should start drinking water if you are indeed pregnant!.
I would take a pregnancy test to be sure, because if you aren't, there could be something seriously wrong!.
Stressing makes it worse, so don't worry about it, just get it checked out if weird stuff continues!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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