Is it possible for a girl to orgasm in real life due to the contents of her drea!

Question: Is it possible for a girl to orgasm in real life due to the contents of her dream!?
Or did i wake up imagining that!? Www@Answer-Health@Com


And thats very hot!.

Subconscious thought drives us both awake and asleep!.
Our dreams provide much more freedom for the contents of our subconscious to be realized!. Nearly anything involving the body can occur while sleeping!. Commonly people talk!. Sexuality is mostly chemically driven and so when hormones are abundant, dreaming can and will contain your sexual desires!.

Certain meditative practices can allow a person to achieve orgasm willingly without any physical stimulation!.

Yes it is possible!.
The worst part is when you don't remember who the guy is and if you wake up before you are done!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it all depends on the imagination girl, some of us have super ones, and some have no imagination at all !. I know my imagination is beyond vivid lolWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, this used to happen to me all the time (when I was single)!. I'd be dreaming about having sex and I'd have an orgasm that woke me up!.


Yes, this is very well possible, both for men and women!.

Wet dream!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yeah it happens!. I kinda like it!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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