16 and haven't started period? ?!

Question: 16 and haven't started period!? !?
i'm a little worried!. i thought i had it once, about 5 months ago, it lasted a few days and seemed like it, but haven't had it since!. i know everyone is different but is this a little too late!?
my mom started at 16, and my aunt at 17 is it hereditary!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It probably was your period and now you're just irregular!. When I first got my period I didn't have another for eight months!. But if you're worried, see a doctor and tell him/her about your period and your family history!. It's probably nothing serious!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think you can relax!.!.!.!.you have started your periods, the few days of bleeding 5 months ago sounds as if it was your period!. 5 months between your first and second period is quite normal!. It could take 5 years or even more before you are regular, or it may happen in the first year or two!. My sister was 16 when she started and now at 41 she still isnt regular and only gets 4-6 periods a year!. She also has really low body-fat!. The fat thing is well documented!. Age of menarche in female relatives can influence this stuff and it seems this is likely in your case!. Have a chat with mum about it and let her know how you feel etc!. I'm sure she will understand especially as she was 16 when she started too!.

Its only late if you get to 18 or so with no other signs of puberty!.!.!.this is when a doctor should investigate!. Stop worrying, it sounds like you are fine!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes usually you'll take after your family!. Usually when you first get it its spotty and irregular!. It takes awhile for it to become regular!. I think ti took almost a year before I started having one every month after my first "period"!. Since you are 16 already, you should probably talk to your doctor about it!. It could be that your body fat is so low that its causing irregular periods!. If this is the case your doc might start you on birth control to regulate your periods!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

It may just be irregular, yes, that is very common when you first get it,

but don't worry about your age, you can get it at 7, you can get it at 17, it all depends on how your body develops and how fastWww@Answer-Health@Com

It is hereditary for the most part and you are not too old, give it two years or until you are sexually active and then go talk to a doctor!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

i was 161/2 when i finally got mind it took 3 or4 months to regulate itself it you havent started by 17 then i suggest go see your doctor

maybe it is
but go to the doctor they will give you something

help with mine


heredity!. also, if you are very athletic, then it also comes later!. my aunt's came at 17 and she was very athletic!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

0h it probably is hereditary!. I didnt start mine until I was 15!. so yea it probably is normal!. well i think it is!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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