Completely heartbroken... :( ?!

Question: Completely heartbroken!.!.!. :( !?
this may sound stupid
but my boyfriend of almost a year broke up with me yesterday!.!.!.
it was completely out of the blue, he came on and said he was out at some club and some other girl kissed him!.!.!.and then went on to tell me that he liked it too! and said we should have other experiences or some bull like that, so now we are just "friends"!.!.!. ive never cared for a guy so much and my heart is broken!.!.!.i feel so bad!.!.!. im not sure if anyone on here can give me some advice on what i can do to make me feel better!? i dont want to date anymore guys for a while!. i need some recovery time!.!.!.thanks so much in advance if you try to help!.!.!.

p!.s!. sorry to post in women's health but its almost impossible to get answers in singles/dating, Www@Answer-Health@Com

take it from a woman in the know, better things and a lovely man, are waiting, although it feels like life has stopped, and temporarily it has, and pain is real, in a while you will say 'am so glad that a**hole is gone as id never have met !?!?!? if we hadnt broken up, i realised what a sh*t he truly was and then HOW dare he!'

get your anger and sadness out then get out and circulate and just be HAPPY you got rid of a unrequired cheating spanner!. let him go!. good riddance!.

much hugs xxxxWww@Answer-Health@Com

Remeber to keep your own, dont let him know he hurt you, he'll likely come back because people who break up like that are doing it to try and get something out of you, wait it out and recover, if it's going on a month and he hasnt attempted to fix his wrong its time to try and move on!. it will be hard but you can do it! keep strong!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Take good care of yourself!. Cry, let it all out!. Find a friend you can talk to and talk, talk, talk, talk! Don't feel bad about eating comfort foods, they really do help you feel better!. Give yourself time to feel horrible, in time you will feel better and be able to move on (I have no idea how much time it will take, been four months for me)!. Try visit the website below, you won't feel so alone!.

Best of luck, big hug sister, this too shall pass :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

First of all I am sorry to hear what you are going through!. You are right about needing some "recovery time"!. But it's O!.K!. to feel sad, angry, depressed, etc!.!.those are all human emotions and you have the right to feel every single one of them!. I will tell you this, if you make it a point to move on the pain will eventually subside and you will find someone new!. It may feel like the end of the world right now, but keep your chin up and everything will work out for you!. I've been there too!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well i just went through this!. and the guy actually cheated and ended up getting her pregnant!. it was about 2!.5 years!. and i never loved anyone before him either!. i fell hard!. but the way i got over it was listening to music that made me feel better and get him out of my head!. music really did help me realize that he wasnt worth my tears!. and it feels a lot better!. but remember, dont cry over someone who isnt gonna cry over you!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

If he did that, then all he cares about is himself!. If you can't trust him as a boyfriend, how can you trust him as a friend!? Just remember that he doesn't deserve you!. That will help!. Otherwise, just spend lots of time with your friends & family!. It helps to be around people who are there for you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That's what you need!. Your smart to know that!.
My boyfriend dumped me for some married woman and I thought I'd never love again!. It took two years before I met someone else!. It might not take you that long but you do need time!. I wish you the best for I know how this hurts!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i agree with the first person, he's selfish!. You should find a man who will consider your feeligs too!.!.!. but the bright side is he was honest with you!.!.!. and didnt just go out and cheat on you, but he let you know what it was instead!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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