Having to go to the bathroom late at night?!

Question: Having to go to the bathroom late at night!?
So I started dieting this past week, so I've been drinking a lot of water/tea/coffee and veggies/rice/fish!.!.!. but here's my problem: I always have to pee late at night!. Why is this!?

I drink a bottle of water around 1:00pm with lunch, and I have my coffee in the morning and another latte around 5:00pm!. I don't think that's too much liquid!. The last thing I've consumed was at 7:00pm!. It's almost midnight and I've gone to the bathroom 3 times! This is getting a bit inconvenient!.

But the issue is, I am a VERY heavy sleeper!. If I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I feel it in my dream and usually recognize it and wake up!. But the other night I was wearing heavy pajamas and all wrapped up in blankets so I didn't wake up!.

I'm f*cking 19 years old for gods sake and this is ridiculous!. Is there anything I can do to go #1 and get it all out before I go to bed!? I can't keep getting up three times a night it's messing with my sleep!.

Any help is appreciated!. Thanks!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Tea and coffee are diuretics and will increase the amount of urine your body produces for several hours after you drink them, especially if it's in large amounts!. The caffeine can also overstimulate your bladder muscles and make your bladder "overactive" so it can't hold as much before you desperately have to go!. You could also just have a small bladder, which exacerbated by the extra liquids is making you go so often!. Yes, if you are a heavy sleeper, that's not a good combination!

(I'm assuming from the way you worded things that you actually had an accident the other night!.!.!. if it was just a one time thing, try not to worry about it too much!. Everyone's bladder has limits and if you don't wake up in time when it's full, that's what happens! It happens to a lot of people, just no one else admits it either!.!.!. but unless it starts happening a whole bunch of times in a row out of the blue, it's really not anything to worry about!.)

I know how frustrating it is and there are no easy answers, but there are a few simple modifications that might help!. If you can't give up the coffee and tea, try drinking them EARLY in the day (like, have your last caffeine drink by noon) so your body has a better chance of getting everything out of your system before bedtime!. Drink water or (heaven forbid) decaf later in the day, in moderation of course!. It's also helpful to "go" once before lying down, and then after 30 minutes or an hour, get up and empty your bladder again before settling down for the night!. Lying down to rest after you've been up and around all day makes your kidneys start to flush out your system for the day, so your bladder can fill up pretty quickly soon after you lie down!. Going just that one extra time on purpose can give you a much better chance of getting through the night, or at least minimizing the number of times you have to go after that!.

Good luck, I hope you're able to get some sleep! If NOTHING else works, just throw a plastic sheet on your bed and allow yourself one night (with nothing going on the next morning) when you just don't worry about it and let whatever happens, happen!. It sounds bad, but stress can actually make problems like this worse, and if you allow yourself to be free from stressing over it you might just surprise yourself by actually sleeping dry through the whole night for a change!.

Hope this helps!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It depends, is it to the point you're having accidents!? (edit after I get an answer)Www@Answer-Health@Com

It could be the amount of caffeine you're drinking!. You have a coffee and a latte everyday which both have caffeine in them and that's not even looking at the amount of Chocolate you're eating or if you take medicines like Motrin or tylenol or Excedrin (most pain relievers have caffeine in them due to people having headaches caused by caffeine withdrawal)!.

The reason it could be caffeine is because it is a stimulant and it doesn't just stimulate your mind, it stimulates your body organs too!. It could be that the residual caffeine in your system is causing your bladder to be overactive!. Try cutting it back to Coffee a day or a latte a day and see if that helps!.

If unconcerned about it you can talk to nutritionist who can give you advice about your diet (since you think it's because of you're diet) and see if you can change the foods you're eating!. Or you can go to your doctor and explain what's going on, they can give you medications that will keep your bladder from being overactive at night, my cousin was on them until she got married (I think she's till taking them) and they kind of turned off her bladder before she went to bed so she wouldn't have an accident!.

Good Luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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