Advice needed [regarding sexual oritenation]?!

Question: Advice needed [regarding sexual oritenation]!?
Okay for the past few days i been soo confused about my sexual oritentation!. One minute im into guys next minute im into girls!. I have this friend with benefit who is girl!. she makes me feel special and we laugh and joke about any and everything especially about sexual and how we feel about sex!. she makes me extremely horny at times and i dont know how to control it so i just masterbate!. Im 16 years old finna hit 17 so of course i know what im feeling!. she tells me the sweetest thing and everything i wanna hear!.

Down to guys!.!.!.this one guy that goes to my school message me on myspace telling me how im right [lookin fine etc] and he wanna meet wit me behind the 400 building and walk wit me to my class etc!. So how come when i went to his myspace page i found out he had a girlfriend!.!.!.this isnt my 2nd time getting hurt by a guy either!. I dont know what to do anymore when it comes to guys bcuz it seemas if i get hurt by guys alot but get turned on by girls as well

what should i do!?!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

The fact that you got your feelings hurt by a couple of guys has nothing to do with your sexual orientation!. The person who said that you can change your orientation if your feelings get hurt by someone is just ignorant!.

If you get sexually excited by looking at naked girls then you have a same gender sexual attraction!. If you get sexually excited by looking at pictures of naked guys and think about being with naked guys, then you are heterosexual!.

If you get sexually excited by both males and females and enjoy sex with both genders, then you are bi-sexual!. I also think that it's not true that no guy can understand you like your best girl friend!. It depends on the girlfriend and about the guy!.

Some guys are very sensitive and understanding, some aren't!. Some women are very understanding and supportive and some aren't!. I tend to be very understanding and supportive but found that in the long run the women that I have been with really don't respect that and will eventually dump you for someone more exciting!.

If you are sexually excited by both girls and boys and enjoy sex with both, why make it hard on yourself by having sex with girls!? I am asking this question sincerely!. If you eventually want to have children it works best if you are married to a guy!.

Well, first you have to find a guy that is honest, caring, sensitive, loyal, and understanding, if that is the kind of guy you want!. Then the 2 of you really should have common interests, values and life goals if you want the best chance for your marriage to both last and be happy!.

The only way to find a guy that is right by you is by dating!. If you eventually want a permanent relationship and children with a man, it is really a waste of time to date or have sex with girls!.

Try to think for yourself and not be confused by a lot of fuzzy thinking that is being passed around among friends!. It is your life that you will live and all of us have some problems in life!. Why make your life harder than it has to be or bring problems into your life that you can just as easily do without!?

I used to work as a Registered Nurse in psychiatry many years and I've had to deal with many problems in my own life (I'm 65 y/o)!.

When you think of it, if a person is "only" interested in having sex with the same gender (homosexual or lesbian), it is really a denial of themselves at a very deep level!. It's obvious from both the external and internal anatomy and biology of our bodies that men were designed to have sex with women and vise versa!. That's the only way we get children, and it's also true for all mammals!.

If you are attracted to both men and women, I encourage you to stick with men!. I believe that you will be the most happy that way!. Look for a good guy!. They are out there!.

At 16 y/o sexual feelings are confusing for both girls and boys!. Your sex hormone levels are extremely high and the emotions that go with sexual feelings can be very intense!. Actually, it might be an idea for you to take a break from sexual activity to let your emotions cool down so that they don't interfere with your thinking so much!. It is a psychological truth that the more intense emotions are, the more they interfere with logical thinking!.

God bless you honey!. Please stay safe no mater what you do!. You have people who love you and even though I have never met you, I do care for you and your life is very precious!.


why do you need a label on who you are!? so you like girls, so you like boys, it doesnt matter!. dont date *** hole guys!. stick with your girl!. if things work out Great! if not then find another person, it doesnt matter their sex!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can not change sexual orientation because of bad experiences with guys!. You probably need to be more careful with the guys you pick!.

You are maybe bi-curious!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

maybe you want a guy,thats as understanding and commited as your friend!? guys are nice,but they just dont understand us as much as our best girl friend can!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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